purchase journey

How Framing Purchase Interactions Affects Outcomes

  • MSI

What kind of interface does your ecommerce website or app use? How does that affect the customer experience? These are important questions because how your purchase interface is framed affects the customer experience along the entire decision journey, according to this MSI working paper. “Quantity-integrated” formats, where the customer indicates simultaneously whether and how much to buy of something, are more profitable than sequential formats, where the customer is first asked for their purchase decision, followed by a specific quantity.

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Uncovering the Role of Emotion, Subjectivity, and Non-Rational Thinking in Professional and B2B Decision Making

In this Insights Studio, “Professionals are People Too: Uncovering the Role of Emotion, Subjectivity, and Non-Rational Thinking in Professional and B2B Decision Making”, Abigail Ahearn of HawkPartners conducted an enlightening presentation exploring the B2B decision-making process and the implications emotional and cognitive bias can play for B2B marketers and their clients. Abigail then led an insightful panel discussion featuring Beni Gradwohl (Cognovi Labs), Lateef Mauricio Abro (Digitas) and Ryan Boh (Oracle Advertising), where they examined the myth that B2B decisions are typically steeped in rationality. In both the presentation and panel discussion the unique factor in navigating multiple stakeholders in the B2B decision-making process was highlighted. This led to the exploration of the complex factors in negotiating B2B client biases, emotional blockers and the actual "hyper-emotional" component of B2B decision-making. A variety of ideas and solutions on how these biases and emotional blockers can be mitigated were discussed.

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Does Advice from Devices Encourage our Vices?

  • MSI

The latest enabling technologies, such as voice-based smart assistants like Alexa and Siri, along with intelligent shopping carts, make some consumers’ purchasing decisions easier. But they can also potentially lead to harmful outcomes. In this latest MSI working paper, researchers Iman Paul, Rumela Sengupta, Samuel Bond and Satadruta Mookherjee, examined the potential pitfalls of smart device usage in a series of online experiments with paid subjects.

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  • Article

MSI: Voice-Activated Shopping Can Boost Sales for Some Consumers & Categories

Do you ask Alexa from your smart speaker to purchase items for you? Research shows that voice-activated, AI-enabled devices are becoming increasingly important for online retailers. They can increase search and even purchase, especially among younger consumers and for categories of high purchase frequency or low substitutability. Rather than cannibalizing other channels, use of such devices creates positive spillover, since shopping is integrated into other, consumer routines. Read the article.

Voice-Activated Shopping Can Boost Sales for Some Consumers & Categories

  • MSI

Do you ask Alexa from your smart speaker to purchase items for you? Research shows that voice-activated, AI-enabled devices are becoming increasingly important for online retailers. They can increase search and even purchase, especially among younger consumers and for categories of high purchase frequency or low substitutability. Rather than cannibalizing other channels, use of such devices creates positive spillover, since shopping is integrated into other, consumer routines.

How Payment Mode Affects Consumer Behavior

  • Marketing Science Institute

As part of MSI’s Expert Curation series, Priya Raghubir, Professor of Marketing, New York University, and an MSI academic fellow, discusses a series of studies that focus on how modes of payment affect consumer purchase behavior. Concerns over Covid-19 and the need to social distance have accelerated the use of cashless and touchless forms of payment. This paper outlines the latest research on associations between these and other payment options and consumer spending habits, such as spending likelihood, spending amount, spending patterns, brand loyalty and customer satisfaction.

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Prior Information & Consumer Search: Evidence from Eye-Tracking

  • Marketing Science Institute

Consumers increasingly make purchase decisions based on online product reviews and rankings. Meanwhile, advertising is often designed to inform about a product or service’s benefits. Within both of these scenarios, consumers learn how to dovetail new understandings into what they already know about a brand, product or service. In this study, researchers looked to quantify the impact prior information (e.g. information obtained from past purchases or use) on consumer search and purchase decisions.

When Are Dogs an Advertiser’s Best Friend?

  • Rohit H. Trivedi; Thorsten Teichert

Animals have been used in ads effectively for decades, yet little is known about their effects on consumer reactions along the purchase-decision process. New research shows evidence of animals’ influences on different stages of the decision-making journey, with women reacting more positively than men. But the outcomes changed when human models were included in the ads.

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The Power of Influencer Marketing (Event Summary)


From stars with massive followings to micro and nano influencers, companies are allocating large parts of their budgets towards influencer marketing. According to Mediakix, the estimated total ad spend on influencer marketing is expected to increase to $5-$10 billion dollars in 2020. Industry experts and content creators discussed how to determine the right Influencers with whom to align their brand and the pitfalls of influencer fraud (and how to avoid them). Note: The full summary is available to members only.

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