Audience & Media Measurement

Full-Funnel Measurement Showcase

  • Cross-Platform Measurement Council

On July 16th, 2024 the ARF Cross Platform Measurement Council’s Attribution Working Group hosted this highly informative showcase on full funnel measurement. The event featured detailed case studies presented by leading measurement providers Optimine, TransUnion, and Data Poem, which had been selected by the Working Group from a pool of responses to a RFI that they had developed. Each demonstrated innovative approaches to cross-channel performance measurement and the benefits of these approaches. The event concluded with a panel discussion moderated by Kate Weymer, Director, Data Science at Microsoft, which provided further insights into the value of evaluating both short-term and long-term effects of media on outcomes and the impact of third-party cookie deprecation on their approaches.

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ARF Attention Measurement Validation Initiative: Phase 2 Report (2nd Edition)


Explore the latest findings from the ARF Attention Measurement Validation Initiative. The phase two report is a comprehensive examination of various attention measurement methods used in creative testing. It concludes with reflections on the challenges of attention measurement, as well as some suggestions for advertisers on how to choose and evaluate attention measurement providers.

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How to Calculate Reach and Frequency Using Virtual IDs (VIDs)

Current existing methods used to calculate reach and frequency of a campaign or media schedule are known to have deficiencies in measuring cross-device ad exposure. Restrictions to protect digital privacy complicate cross-platform exposure measurement even further. Multiple global research organizations have turned to a concept known as “virtual people,” to overcome these limitations in order to produce aggregate reach and frequency estimates. This report by the ARF Analytics Council provides a foundational overview of VIDs for a broad audience, providing ARF members with a stronger understanding of this vital topic.

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Predicting Attention to Advertising Through Machine Learning

Privacy regulations have served as the impetus for a renewed interest in contextual targeting. To be effective, an ad must be related to its context but different enough to stand out. This working paper from the Marketing Science Institute (MSI) at the ARF presents a comprehensive model leveraging eye-tracking data and XGBoost algorithms to forecast the effectiveness of ad placements in real time.

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The ARF’s annual AUDIENCExSCIENCE conference highlighted the most critical audience measurement issues. Through keynotes, panels, debates and rigorously peer-reviewed research presentations, attendees learned about a wide array of new and evergreen industry topics, endemic to our industry changes. World-class thinkers joined us in NYC to share their perspectives on the future of advertising research and measurement, and how tomorrow’s technologies and data trends will impact advertising and media.

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