Targets & Segments

Effective Customer Engagement Tactics for Microblogging Platforms

Customer service problem resolution on microblogging platforms offers a way for firms to shine after interacting with customers or to leave a less than stellar impression. This study identifies key tactics for effective digital customer engagement and mitigating negative social propagation. The research identifies four frontline problem-handling tactics—resolving, reassuring, compassion and passion—and their impact on social propagation by followers. The study also highlights the importance of efficient problem resolution and communication strategies in digital marketing.

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Using Shelf Interaction Analysis to Enhance Retail Efficiency and Customer Engagement

Utilizing video tracking and shelf interaction analysis provides actionable insights for retailers looking to manage shopping efforts and enhance customer engagement in retail stores. This Marketing Science Institute (MSI) at the ARF working paper illustrates the benefits of strategic shelf reorganization and targeted promotions to improve shopping efficiency and sales conversion.

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A Guide to Diverse & Inclusive Terminology, Including Definitions and Best Practices

  • Cultural Effectiveness Council

How can we more effectively understand and communicate with the diverse audiences of 21st century America? The ARF Cultural Effectiveness Council has created a guide to help accomplish this. It contains the latest information about diversity and inclusive terminology—an ever-evolving subject—specific definitions and best practices. This guide helps researchers and media and marketing professionals to recognize and understand preferred terms that are used to identify members of these audiences, to show proper respect and connect with them more effectively.

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Racial Minority Representation Increases Advertising Effectiveness in Mortgage Markets

Explore the impact of racial minority representation in TV advertisements on consumer choices in the mortgage market in this new MSI working paper. The study employed a double machine learning model to control for high-dimensional video and text features, ensuring robust estimates. Its findings reveal that higher minority presence can significantly increase TV advertising effectiveness.

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How Patients React to AI-Assisted Communications

  • MSI

Generative AI is all the rage, and consumers are interested in interacting with such programs to receive personalized services and products. What is their outlook when it comes to doing so in the healthcare field? Here, the view is not as sunny. In fact, a new working paper put out by the Marketing Science Institute (MSI), at the ARF, found that physicians who use AI to communicate with patients were perceived as less warm and even less competent.

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If You Stream It, They Will Come: Marketing Through Streaming Platforms

  • MSI

Livestreaming platforms and social shopping in general have grown into marketing channels that can be very lucrative for several different categories. However, livestreaming stands apart from “normal” social media in the fact that influencers are less reliant on corporate sponsors, as they have their own customer base that they rely on. So, how can marketers be successful within these channels? This Marketing Science Institute (MSI) working paper illustrates what forces are at play with livestreaming and how to balance them for the benefit of all parties.

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