
Do You Hear What I Hear?

Have you heard the latest regarding podcast’s and music’s impact on audio marketing? Companies that use music aligned to their brand identities are 96 percent more likely to be recalled, according to research carried out at the University of Leicester, U.K. Furthermore, podcast audiences have grown so significantly that now 51 percent of Americans ages 12 and over listen to them. That’s based on Edison Research’s “The Podcast Consumer 2019” report.

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Why People Don’t: Understanding Consumer Behavior


The ARF’s July 25, 2019, Salon offered profound insights into why people do the things they do, based on findings from behavioral science. Presenter and author Matthew Willcox shared insights from his book, “The Business of Choice,” highlighting some of its key points.

Corporate Social Responsibility - What’s It Worth?

Aligning your brand to a good cause seems like a smart business decision, especially considering the expectations Millennials have when engaging with brands. However, designing and implementing CSR programs is more complicated than is often perceived. Cause-related marketing efforts may have a low ROI – or have mixed marketplace reaction. So, how do companies increase the odds of CSR marketing success? And how should they value the outcome, especially if increased sales isn’t the goal?

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Oracle Data Cloud Tackles Audience Quality


$48 billion was spent on digital display advertising in the US in 2018. That’s up 5 percent from just a few years ago. Unfortunately, most advertisers are unaware of the need to focus on audience quality. Without doing so, consumers can be overwhelmed with messages or encounter irrelevant ones. They become annoyed or frustrated, resulting in missed opportunities and wasted resources.

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How Biometrics Can Capture Attention to TV Ads

  • Steven Bellman, Magda Nenycz-Thiel, Rachel Kennedy, and Nicole Hartnett—all at the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science, University of South Australia; Duane Varan, MediaScience

What’s the best way to measure attention to TV ads when specific creative devices, like animals and voiceover, are used? In this study, three key biometrics—eye movements, sweating, and heart rate—responded differently to attention-getting tactics and to levels of consumer attention, but heart rate uniquely helped identify ineffective ads. 

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What Makes People Avoid Ads on Social Media?

  • C. L. Miltgen (Audencia Business School, France), A.-S. Cases (Univ. of Montpellier), and C. A. Russell (Pepperdine Univ.)

An empirical study of Facebook data has broad implications for advertisers on social media platforms. This research found a link between consumers’ response to ads and their perceptions about intrusiveness and privacy concerns—as well as whether they were using a computer or mobile device.

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Why Content Quality Matters So Much in Native Advertising

  • Yoori Hwang (Myongji University) and Se-Hoon Jeong (Korea University)

Practitioners who develop native advertising campaigns should pay close attention to where they place mentions of their brand. This empirical study found that a poorly written article that is associated with a brand message will lead to negative perceptions about both the brand and the credibility of the news source.

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How Does Media Context Affect Ad Memory?

  • Eun Sook Kwon, (Rochester Institute of Technology), Karen Whitehill King (Univ. of Georgia), Greg Nyilasy (Univ. of Melbourne) and Leonard N. Reid (Univ. of Georgia)

How does media context affect ad memory? This summary of a meta-analysis of quantitative studies pieces together part of the puzzle to shed new light on the relationships between media context and ad memory. The findings also provide valuable guidance.

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Experts Share New Shopper Marketing Approaches


Shopper marketing change is rampant! The good news: disruption is creating opportunities – not just challenges – and the industry is responding with new approaches to increase market share and revenue. Learn how leading brands and other experts are engaging consumers and building growth in this 2019 ARF SHOPPERxSCIENCE event summary.

Is TV Still Best for Brand Building? Advertisers Say, “Show Me”

  • Artie Bulgrin

Television is still the best screen for brand building, according to viewership and other data —despite the proliferation of media and entertainment options. The difficulty of measuring TV’s effectiveness accurately undermines advertisers’ confidence in its value, author Artie Bulgrin warns, as he underscores the importance of standardized, cross-platform measures.

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