
Take the 2nd Annual ARF Organizational Benchmark Survey

  • ARF

The Organizational Benchmark Survey was developed to examine the dramatic changes taking place in advertising and marketing research organizations in recent years. Developed by the ARF Analytics Council, last year’s survey produced a set of reports covering the advertiser, agency, research company, media & entertainment and consultancy sectors. The ARF also released access to the raw data for members to interrogate themselves via our interface. (Note, you must download the free Tableau reader before doing so. Find instructions on how to do so here). These reports and the database have been helpful to members in understanding how their organization compares to others in their sector, with respect to management of the insights and data analytics functions.

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JAR Best Papers: Digital Video vs. TV Ad Spend, and Context Effects in Advertising (Event Summary)

  • Insights Studio

At this Insights Studio, JAR Best Paper winning authors discussed their findings on allocating spending across digital video and TV advertising, and the impact of media context on advertising memory. A Q&A panel then applied these insights to the industry and today’s marketplace. Guest panelist JAR Editor-in-Chief John Ford flagged topics of interest for future submissions to the Journal, including artificial intelligence, neuro-based analyses of effectiveness, cross-platform research, and the impact of Covid-19 on advertising.

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What Lift & ROI Measurement Products Exist Today?

  • ARF Cross-Platform Measurement Council

Relevant key performance indicators (KPIs) have become increasingly important over the last decade for evaluating the impact of marketing and media spending. Today, numerous companies offer products that measure “ROI” and “lift,” But, for many, it is difficult to differentiate them. This prompted the Online-Offline Metrics Working Group of the ARF’s Cross-Platform Measurement Council to create: The Guide to Lift and ROI Measurement Products. This comprehensive report highlights the product offerings of 27 companies in the space.

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Building Brands: Psychological and Media Drivers of Marketing Effectiveness (Event Summary)


Building successful brands require a deep understanding of why consumers behave the way they do and the associated media drivers. The Advertising Research Foundation and the IPA /EffWorks Global 2020 partnered to share our most relevant research, case studies and keynotes from Marketing Effectiveness leaders. Editor’s Note: The full summary is available to members only.

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CMO Briefs: How to Use Context to Optimize Advertising Campaigns

No advertisement is seen in isolation. The impact an ad has depends on the context it finds itself in, including what type of ad or content preceded it or what it is adjacent to, in terms of digital or print. Today, there is a renewed interest in context effects, particularly in the COVID era, as advertisers worry about their ads rolling after or being adjacent to upsetting news. This newly updated Knowledge at Hand and corresponding CMO Brief explore all the latest research and insights surrounding context effects.

Further complicating the issue is the question, what do we mean by “context?” Today, the industry is taking a broader view of the term. This is due to multi-platform campaigns, which force the need to consider all characteristics present in each medium or platform an ad takes place in. Our understanding of context has also been affected by the current pandemic and the role target consumers’ culture and values play, in light of it.  Read more.