consumer behavior

How Virtual Mirrors Influence Attitudes about Beauty Products

  • Journal of Advertising Research

Augmented reality holds much promise for advertising. However, little research has investigated the impact of it or virtual mirrors in advertising. This study, recently published in the Journal of Advertising Research, focuses on how self-referencing, self-awareness, self-focused attention and self–brand relationships affect consumer attitudes and purchase intentions within this new virtual frontier. The research highlights the potential of augmented reality to enhance consumer engagement and satisfaction by allowing users to visualize products on themselves in real-time.

The authors conducted a laboratory experiment with university students to investigate the effects of viewing perspectives, types of endorsements and the use of beauty filters in virtual mirrors. The findings suggest that while virtual mirrors can enhance product attitudes, they do not significantly influence purchase intentions. The study provides valuable insights for marketers on tailoring augmented reality advertising strategies to different cultural contexts.

More analysis and the full study is available to ARF members.

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Is the Ad Industry Biased against Older Consumers?

At the 2024 Cannes Festival of Creativity, Les Binet and Karen Nelson Field argued that the advertising industry has an ageism problem. Concurrently, a new study by GfK demonstrates that many stereotypes about consumers 50+ are inaccurate.

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Gen Z’s Phygital World

Does Maslow’s hierarchy of needs still describe Gen Z consumers’ needs? These researchers updated the classic model to explore how our need for safety, belonging and identity have evolved in the 21st century.

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Effective Customer Engagement Tactics for Microblogging Platforms

Customer service problem resolution on microblogging platforms offers a way for firms to shine after interacting with customers or to leave a less than stellar impression. This study identifies key tactics for effective digital customer engagement and mitigating negative social propagation. The research identifies four frontline problem-handling tactics—resolving, reassuring, compassion and passion—and their impact on social propagation by followers. The study also highlights the importance of efficient problem resolution and communication strategies in digital marketing.

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Racial Minority Representation Increases Advertising Effectiveness in Mortgage Markets

Explore the impact of racial minority representation in TV advertisements on consumer choices in the mortgage market in this new MSI working paper. The study employed a double machine learning model to control for high-dimensional video and text features, ensuring robust estimates. Its findings reveal that higher minority presence can significantly increase TV advertising effectiveness.

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What do Consumers Really Think?

Accurately measuring consumers’ beliefs and attitudes is more complex and difficult than we assume, according to several new books on misinformation and beliefs.   Read more »

Young Consumers Keep Changing

Winning new customers sometimes demands letting go of your assumptions about consumer behavior. Case in point: teenage boys who love fragrance brands. Read more »