teams & talent

Better Tools to Optimize Creative

A new white paper outlines how innovative methods offer marketers new research tools that can produce more effective creative in the current marketing landscape.

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ARF Women in Analytics: Mentorship Program Launch

  • Women in Analytics

On August 2, 2022, mentors and mentees attended a Mentorship Program Launch event with Neha Bhargava –Advertising Research Director at Meta, and Annabel Jack – Founder at Mentor for Growth, who shared best practices about how to make the most out of your mentorship experience. Then Jamie Thomas – Co-Founder of Cophi, explained the methodology behind the values survey and how and why pairs were matched.

What Drives Customer Online Engagement

  • MSI

We have seen a significant increase in consumer participation in social media over the last decade. This can have a substantial benefit to firms. The problem is, while many consumers join platforms, they tend to spend less time on them over time. To have a sustainable social media marketing program, customer engagement must be maintained over the duration.

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The Value of True Candor

The hardest thing for most aspiring leaders and managers to master is giving clear, direct and sometimes very hard feedback to others, Jim VandeHei, CEO of Axios, writes.

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How Does the Digital Environment Impact Advertising Creativity?


Does the digital environment support or constrain advertising creativity? The answer is both. But how? Researchers in Australia relied on two seminal methods—the rigorous Delphi recruitment method through which research queried creative experts worldwide, and the Four P’s model of creativity. These were applied to investigate “place” (the digital environment) and its impact on the remaining P's: process, person and product. What they found was that technology both enhances and represses creativity.  

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The Post-Pandemic Jobs Recovery by Industry

Data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) show that the total number of U.S. jobs isn’t back to pre-pandemic levels — but some sectors are already bigger than in February 2020, Emily Peck writes for Axios Markets. Most ARF members are in sectors that are on the plus side, namely “Information” and “Professional and Business Services.” Read more »