
Social Media Has the Potential to Influence Undecided Voters


How do information sources shape voters’ political views in our increasingly polarized society? New research compares the effects of mainstream media and social media on U.S. consumers who vote Democrat, Republican or identify as undecided. The findings point to the powerful potential influences of social media, especially on undecided voters, such as in determining the outcome of presidential elections. The study also suggests political marketing strategies to influence potential voters.

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Bridging the Gap Between Linear and Digital Measurement

Integrating linear TV in cross-platform measurement was a challenge undertaken in a partnership between Lucid and Samba TV utilizing ACR (automatic content recognition) and STB (set-top box) data matched to survey responses. Stephanie Gall (Lucid) and Karen Biedermann (Samba) shared details on the inherent problems, potential solutions and biggest learnings from this integration.

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Leveraging Purchase Signals to Drive Growth

Sharing their cross-channel campaign evaluation using IRI’s household lift studies, Lisa Mulyk and Liz Ryan from IRI illustrated the strengths of purchased-based data and targeting across brand portfolios. Creative messaging and sales for “must have” and “nice to have” products were examined, comparing the broader affinity, lifestyle and demo audience against the more specific purchase-based audience. Determining that not all audiences worked for the campaign strategy, they found that, although a portfolio strategy worked best to drive household penetration and engage the full gamut of potential buyers, the campaign would have been more successful in targeting purchase-based consumers.

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Enabling Alternative TV Measurement for Buyers and Sellers

Pete Doe (Xandr) and Caroline Horner (605) provided a case study of their partnership that derived results from alternative currency measurement with buy and sell side perspectives. Xandr’s nimble workflow method enabled 605’s shift from advanced targeting to a very specific, custom-built, “persuadable” target audience with a range between 2 to 10x increase in outcomes.

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Privacy Safe Approach to Ecommerce Audience Quality Measurement

A multi-billion dollar pet food manufacturer analyzed its audience targeting strategy with the goal of ensuring efficient online ad spending, according to Souptik Datta and Zulema Doiny-Cabre of GroupM. The analysis with GroupM evaluated the performance of existing audience segments, pinpointed profiles of high-performing audience segments for additional opportunities and determined the optimal ad impression frequency.

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Audience Trends for Products with Supply Constraints

IRI’s Michael Tscherwinski addressed the challenges marketers are facing due to supply-constraints and provided a best-practices playbook for unlocking opportunities. IRI’s 2022 outlook on product availability predicts continued challenges. Inflation, supply chain issues, as well as the war in the Ukraine, impact the operations of CPG companies. Category out-of-stock conditions are widespread, and many CPGs are pausing media. However, Procter & Gamble, one of the largest advertisers in the world, stated that it would continue to invest in marketing.

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Streaming Data and Privacy

Many consumers don’t want advertisers to collect their personal information and shopping data. Are there also privacy concerns when streaming services collect and analyze viewing data to make recommendations?   Read more »