future state

Media Measurement and Experimentation in an AI-integrated World

Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing the way advertisers find and influence consumers, how success is measured, and the strategies and tools used for experimentation. On July 10, panelists from Google and HP led a discussion on the changing landscape of measurement tools, shifting mindsets from precision to prediction, and leveraging AI-driven tools to achieve marketing and business outcomes.

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Preparing for Google’s 2024 Privacy Changes

On June 25, OptiMine dove into the specifics of Google’s privacy changes and revealed how these changes will impact the marketing and measurement landscape. Traditional forms of measurement will no longer be viable as privacy-driven data loss continues to diminish accuracy, coverage and reliability. Attendees gained applicable strategies on how their brands can adapt before it’s too late.

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ARF Attention Measurement Validation Initiative: Phase 2 Report (2nd Edition)


Explore the latest findings from the ARF Attention Measurement Validation Initiative. The phase two report is a comprehensive examination of various attention measurement methods used in creative testing. It concludes with reflections on the challenges of attention measurement, as well as some suggestions for advertisers on how to choose and evaluate attention measurement providers.

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How to Calculate Reach and Frequency Using Virtual IDs (VIDs)

Current existing methods used to calculate reach and frequency of a campaign or media schedule are known to have deficiencies in measuring cross-device ad exposure. Restrictions to protect digital privacy complicate cross-platform exposure measurement even further. Multiple global research organizations have turned to a concept known as “virtual people,” to overcome these limitations in order to produce aggregate reach and frequency estimates. This report by the ARF Analytics Council provides a foundational overview of VIDs for a broad audience, providing ARF members with a stronger understanding of this vital topic.

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Generative AI Can Make Ad Creative Better Than Humans Alone

Have we reached the John Henry moment in ad creative where the machine can outperform a human in creating visuals for ads? Not quite. Generative AI does have a place in creative, however. This Marketing Science Institute (MSI) working paper found that GenAI when trained on ads which were rated the most effective by consumers can create ad visuals and text that outperform the originals in KPIs related to the purchase funnel and brand associations. Yet, the human element has not been cut out just yet. In fact, it might be pivotal to the process. The human AI combo saved time and effort and created pleasing visuals while maintaining a brand’s distinctive positioning.

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The ARF Attention Measurement Validation Initiative: Phase 1 Report Updated


Attention metrics have drawn a high degree of energy in the last few years, for many reasons, including the loss of behavioral signals due to privacy restrictions, growing frustration with ad viewability and its perceived limitations, attention metrics’ impact on the cross-platform measurement debate and that biometric technologies can now be applied “in the wild,” rather than just in labs. The ARF’s Attention Measurement Validation Initiative aims to describe the attention measurement space in detail, illuminating this nascent sector. The Phase One findings include a comprehensive literature review and a report that maps out the vendor landscape in this increasingly diverse specialty. The report includes two sections. The first section describes what methods are being used, what these companies report and how and what they measure, be it ad creative or the media environment. The second section includes in-depth overviews of the 29 participating attention measurement companies. The Phase One Report is a must-read for anyone interested in attention metrics or what companies are operating in the space.  

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