
Ad-Spend Cues, Deepfakes/A.I., Badass Endorsers and Influencer KPIs

  • JAR Insights Studio

At this Insights Studio, authors from three different continents showcase their recently published work—including the JAR Best Paper 2022 on how advertising expenditures drive consumers’ perceptions of ad and brand quality. Also featured are studies on deepfakes and AI reshaping the advertising industry, the success of using product endorsers who are actors known for roles portraying despicable characters, and KPI patterns of social media influencers across several platforms. Talking points in the concluding Q&A span the future of AI in advertising and influencer marketing, machine-driven decisions for choosing endorsers, and factors (product- and economic-related) affecting consumer perceptions of quality in TV ads and engagement in user-generated content.

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The Future of Attention Measurement

Horst Stipp, ARF’s EVP, moderated a panel discussion with the speakers from the second half of the event. He asked panelists if they found new insights or surprises in the presentations and discussions, if there is room for improvement in attention measures and “what’s next”, specifically if attention measures should become currency. Here are edited highlights from their conversation.

Evidence-Based Research for Effective Marketing

On November 9, 2022, industry leaders joined us to share highlights from EffWorks Global 2022 — a week-long celebration of the best new thinking and evidence-based decision-making research for marketing effectiveness. Topics of discussion included: marketing in the post-Covid economy, effective advertising in unprecedented times, the value of Share of Voice/Share of Attention/Share of Search in terms of effectiveness and commercial decision making, and more.

Connected Television: Engaging Consumers with Enhanced Ad Formats

Tony Marlow of LG Ad solutions examined the effect of CTV on viewers and marketers looking to connect with audiences in a meaningful way, particularly with the advent of challenges presented by second-screen viewing. In addition to second-screen viewing, advertisers have also been stymied by new privacy regulations reducing the efficacy of targeting. In his presentation, Tony remarked on the rapid change in viewership from cable TV, subscription TV and ad-supported TV. Tony explored enhanced ads leveraged through CTV by presenting several pieces of “thought leadership research” which indicated the impact these ads have on engagement between advertisers and consumers. The research exemplified how enhanced ads can connect with consumers via CTV through their devices, to make the act of second-screening more productive by bringing devices and television ads together. Enhanced ads were demonstrated through the inclusion of QR codes, local extension, weather-driven and dynamic in nature (i.e., countdown to a game, etc.).

Charting the Course for Third Party, Cross-Media Audience Measurement

In this session, Tina Daniels and Nicole Gileadi examined Google’s principles for charting the course for third-party cross-media audience measurement. Tina acknowledged more third-party measurement companies were expressing interest in working more closely with Google, given their stature as the world’s largest video provider. In her discussion, she acknowledged that this interest generated the need for Google to create a set of principles to offer to both measurement companies and key clients to guide the process. After reviewing these principles Tina and Nicole held an open discussion regarding these principles. Topics of the discussion included premium and high-quality content, long-form versus short-form video and the measurement of this content. In addition, Nicole touched on the importance of content and the context surrounding an ad. Other areas included the idea of exposure metrics (e.g., Where is my audience? Did I reach them?) in addition to providing signals to conduct an impact analysis.

Know Your Meme – Sensory Memetics & Audience Engagement

Allison Gutkowski and Michelle Niedziela of HCD Research covered unique approaches to increasing consumer engagement and introduced the concept of sensory memetics, which they describe as an approach to curating it. They also shared their thoughts on identifying consumer habits and lifestyle and incorporating these with sensory profiling to make them more meaningful. Moreover, utilizing new technologies, like ChatGPT, can offer new product ideas and social media marketing messages that evoke brand harmony and are more engaging. They also dove into the theoretical drivers behind behaviors that either spell engagement or ad avoidance and where the line is between authenticity and distrust due to sponsorship.

Strategies for Sustaining Social Media Engagement

  • MSI

Engaging consumers on social media platforms is extremely advantageous for firms. Yet, sustaining engagement is not always easy. Usership often drops off. The field experiment described in this Marketing Science Institute (MSI) working paper shows helpful ways to sustain social media engagement and offers insights into the positive effects of offering certain members power in their online community (OC).

How Influencer KPI Patterns Differ across Social Media Platforms


Brands increasingly use social media influencers as part of their marketing strategy, yet methods for measuring their effectiveness and for choosing optimal partners are unreliable. New research analyzing the key performance indicators (followers and engagement) of 180 influencers, across five social media platforms, identifies patterns that marketers can use toward establishing partnerships with the right influencers.

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