
Four Strategies for Creating Effective Soundless Video Ads

  • Colin Campbell, Erin Pearson

Most digital video ads are viewed soundlessly because either the user mutes them, or sound does not play automatically. As video advertising production accelerates, this study found that video ads created for “sound on” are less effective when viewed silently—and offers four strategies for creating successful digital video ads in soundless environments.

Branded Content Effectiveness: How to Measure It

  • Gian M. Fulgoni; Raymond Pettit; Andrew Lipsman (comScore)

Marketers lack consistent measures for gauging the effectiveness of branded content. To address the problem, a team of researchers believes that the value of branded content is best assessed by combining “traditional marketing metrics while also capturing the value of its uniquely engaging context.”

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Marketing to Hispanics

Marketers have become increasingly aware of how important it is to understand the characteristics and dynamics of the Hispanic market - the fastest growing segment of the U.S. population. But what are the Hispanic segment's media behavior and ad receptivity?

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When Should You Combine TV with Online Campaigns?

  • Georg M. Goerg, Nicolas Remy, Jim Koehler, Sheethal Shobowale, and Christoph Best

Under what circumstances should a TV ad campaign be complemented with online advertising to increase combined reach? This meta-study—a finalist in the JAR Editorial Board voting for the journal’s Best Paper award—yields simple, interpretable, and actionable rules that improve the understanding of media-mix advertising.

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Taking Charge in the Wild West Era of High Impact Advertising via Advertising Week (source: Rob Garber, Managing Director, Undertone EMEA)

Research shows that high impact ads have 40 per cent higher overall likeability than standard display and are 78 per cent more likely than standard display ads to make a consumer want to learn more about a product/brand (Undertone Ipsos ASI Joint Research Project). However, the current state of the industry is making it harder for marketers to understand and adopt this valuable tool.

In short, high impact digital adverts are non-standard, scalable, large canvas ad formats with rich media features. Creativity is at the core of these formats – they are able to capture a consumer’s attention, build an emotional connection and drive engagement. Their success depends on a number of factors. They must:

  • Engage with viewers, across multiple screens;
  • Be delivered on certified inventory to ensure they do not break websites;
  • Have a light file size to ensure they do not interfere with a webpage’s loading time;
  • Include a high level of universal frequency capping;
  • Have real time performance analytics to inform the optimization of the campaign

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Evaluating TV Effectiveness

Olga Casabona – Senior Director, Client Insights, Turner

Isaac Weber – VP, Strategy, MarketShare

Ad dollars are shifting from TV to online due to the latter’s perceived higher efficiency. But TV’s problem isn’t effectiveness, it’s measurement. The research aimed to help marketers better understand media effectiveness, in order to maximize sales and ROI.

Media mix models from over 500 brands were analyzed, including actual market observations. A holistic model encompassing paid, owned, earned, controllable and non-controllable was developed that measures direct and indirect impacts on media. Key findings are as follows:

  • Even with the explosion of digital media, “TV remains the most effective advertising medium representing the highest impact on sales.” TV was also found to drive the largest indirect impact through organic search and web activity.
  • “Media mix matters. Optimizing TV spend with high-frequency consumer interaction data translates into significant increases in sales.
  • Premium content also matters. Premium TV online video significantly outperforms other publishers’ video content.” Despite the lower amount of impressions, premium content drives higher ROI.

Implications for marketers:

  • “Consider the strength of TV’s effectiveness across categories.”
  • “Leverage TV’s synergistic impact on other marketing vehicles.”
  • “Recognize the “need for consistent, adequate, and optimally-timed TV.”


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Magazine Industry Guarantees Ad Effectiveness

The magazine industry has announced an industry-wide initiative to guarantee a return on investment for advertisers investing in magazine ad pages, according to an article on Media Post written by Erik Sass.  If the guaranteed results are not achieved, qualifying advertisers will receive additional free advertising placements.  This program, the “Print Magazine Sales Guarantee” was recently announced by the MPA-The Association of Magazine Media.

Stephen Lacy, CEO of publisher Meredith Corp. and chairman of the MPA, stated, “The Print Magazine Sales Guarantee is a clear and powerful statement that magazine media provides unique value to advertisers. We are confident in our product, its future, and the unique role that print magazines play in our multi-platform ecosystem to drive ROI and lift advertisers’ brand sales.”

This industry-wide initiative extends and formalizes previous programs linking ad placements to sales results by individual publishers, including Meredith, Time Inc., Hearst Magazines, and Conde Nast.

This article also mentions studies cited by the MPA in support of the guarantee, included a meta-analysis by Millward Brown and a neuroscience analysis by Nomos Research.

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Ads in the Midst of Multitasking

Research from the University of Illinois finds that the effectiveness of ads viewed while multitasking depends on the individual’s media processing style. Analytic processors, who tend to focus on specific items, performed well on ad retention when their only task was to watch video ads on a computer, but were only half as effective when they had to split their time with a second task on the same computer. Read more »