effectiveness & ROI

Health, Charity and Green Messaging Highlighted in JAR Prosocial-Themed Issue


A JAR 2022 call for papers on prosocial advertising generated a deluge of submissions aimed at helping advertisers use more effective means of communicating in ways that benefit society. The result is the newly published March issue focused on messaging strategies that help consumers make informed decisions on health, the environment and charity.

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Too Much Attention?

One expert argues that attention alone does not bring ad success and that we should not forget the other important levels of the “ARF Model.”

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Cross-Platform Measurement Options from an Agency Perspective

Audience measurement is changing at an unprecedented rate. Concurrently, identifiers such as cookies are fading, and traditional models and incumbent suppliers are being questioned. In reaction to all these happenings, new measurement initiatives and a new Joint Industry Committee (JIC) have risen to establish a path toward a new video measurement framework. In 2023, the Online-Offline Metrics Working Group, within the ARF Cross-Platform Measurement Council, conducted anonymous, in-depth-interviews (IDIs) with eight key decision-makers from major agency holding companies. The IDIs focused on three major issues involving the metric situation confronting the advertising industry. This report summarizes the learnings from those interviews.

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2023 Attribution & Analytics Accelerator

The Attribution & Analytics Accelerator returned for its eighth year as the only event focused exclusively on attribution, marketing mix models, in-market testing and the science of marketing performance measurement. The boldest and brightest minds took the stage to share their latest innovations and case studies. Modelers, marketers, researchers and data scientists gathered in NYC to quicken the pace of innovation, fortify the science and galvanize the industry toward best practices and improved solutions. Content is available to event attendees and ARF members.

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Improving & Measuring Creative Impact

Many studies have shown creative quality to be one of the most important, if not THE most important determinants of advertising success. The ARF’s second annual Creative Effectiveness event, as well as the David Ogilvy Awards ceremony, were designed to highlight that fact and advance our knowledge on how to develop and measure great creative. Read more »

Brand Safety, Social Targeting, and Who Needs Highly Creative Ads?


At this Insights Studio, JAR authors in Australia, China and the U.S. presented their recently published research on topics that some in industry may consider controversial. One found evidence of brand safety risks in programmatic advertising when ads were placed in negative news environments, contradicting some industry research. Another discovered social targeting spillover effects that suggest advertisers rethink conventional targeting methods. Other work came with unexpected findings: that highly creative advertising—although important for attracting attention—can have harmful effects on familiar brands, while benefiting unfamiliar brands. In the concluding Q&A, panelists explored aspects of brand recall relevant to their research, and whether brand size and other media channels would affect their results.

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Multiple Attention Measures

A new report shows that “Attention measurement” can mean very different things – in terms of what is being measured and how it is measured. Read more »

How Do You Stimulate Great Creative and Measure It?


At our second annual Creative Effectiveness event, industry visionaries discussed the perspectives, theories, and resources they employ to develop and measure great creative. Attendees joined us in New York City or via livestream to hear fresh insights on the advertising landscape: from using AI as a stimulus for creative to extracting behavioral data and using that to try and inspire creative. Immediately after, we honored the teams behind insights-driven advertising with the ARF David Ogilvy Awards ceremony and dinner. The Gold, Silver and Bronze winners were announced, as well as the reveal of this year’s prestigious Grand Ogilvy Award recipient.

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Finding Mountain Dew’s Sweet Spot

LoopMe’s Carlos Cruz and IRI’s Joe Conte review a case study for Pepsi’s Mt Dew using IRI’s real-time deterministic sales data and LoopMe’s in-flight optimization. Highlighting the precision of IRI’s retailer loyalty card data from 117M households (HH), Joe provided background on and execution of the campaign that increased dollars per HH sales lift by 40%. Aligning the right ads at the right time by leveraging IRI’s actual purchase data, Carlos outlined the attributes that drove brand lift and Pepsi’s sales goals to attract new buyers.