
Inclusion by Design in Pharma Research and Marketing

  • Pharma Council

This ARF Pharma Council event followed up on the Council’s podcast episode on “Inclusive Futures of Humancare,” focusing on the importance of inclusiveness in pharma research and marketing with respect to both demographic characteristics and health conditions.  Four speakers delivered brief presentations, followed by a discussion moderated by Pharma Council Co-Chair Marjorie Reedy of Merck.

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What Does AI Mean for Advertising Research?


We’ve all heard about the growing use of artificial intelligence in advertising research and doom and gloom predictions that it will knock out jobs, but is this really the case? Agency leaders joined us for an ARF Town Hall to discuss the upsides and possible downsides of generative AI, as well as how they’re utilizing it in their businesses to boost efficiency. Attendees heard predictions on how AI will change the business model of advertising and what it could mean for media agencies.

Partisan Polling Problems

A New York Times analysis suggests that the trend towards more partisan and fewer independent election polls is one of the reasons why pollsters’ forecasts often miss the mark. Read more »

How to Increase Data Accuracy

Data quality and the choice research mode have a large impact on findings obtained through both big data and panels. It is important to be aware of these sources of bias to avoid misleading conclusions.

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CultureConnect Podcast Series: Episode #4: Contending with Algorithmic Bias

May 5, 2022 — Episode #4: Contending with Algorithmic Bias, a conversation with, Janelle James, SVP, Ipsos IUU (Council Co-Chair), Kalinda Ukanwa, Assistant Professor of Marketing at USC’s Marshall School of Business. Amanda Bower, Machine Learning Researcher at Twitter. Hui Wang, VP/Director of Global Data Intelligence – Analytics Service, at Publicis Media. Kathy Sheehan, Senior Vice President at Cassandra. Ilinca Barsan, Data Science Director at Wunderman Thompson.

We’re increasingly dependent on algorithms in a variety of areas. This has led to problems with algorithmic bias, in which statistical and econometric models or a programmed set of instructions systematically treats members of some groups differently than others. This can be due to the unconscious biases of engineers who build the models, biases in the data they are trained on, biases inherent in the models themselves or algorithms’ treatment of human attributes as single, isolated components rather than intersectional identities. We look at the ways in which models, programs, and algorithms in the media, marketing, and advertising industries can unintentionally favor majority populations and ignore or even discriminate against minority segments and how to overcome this problem.

CultureConnect Podcast Series: Episode #5: Contending with Algorithmic Bias pt 2

June 17, 2022 — Episode #5: Contending with Algorithmic Bias pt 2 , A conversation with, Kalinda Ukanwa, an Assistant Professor of Marketing at USC’s Marshall School of Business. Amanda Bower, a machine learning researcher at Twitter.

Technology is an essential part of our everyday life. We rely on it to help us navigate our finance, employment, housing, health care and purchases, among other things. But, perhaps unknowingly, we may be impacted by algorithmic bias, in which systematic repeatable errors in AI treat members of some groups differently than others. In part two of our look at algorithmic bias, we delve further into what consumers and companies can do about it.

Uncovering the Role of Emotion, Subjectivity, and Non-Rational Thinking in Professional and B2B Decision Making

In this Insights Studio, “Professionals are People Too: Uncovering the Role of Emotion, Subjectivity, and Non-Rational Thinking in Professional and B2B Decision Making”, Abigail Ahearn of HawkPartners conducted an enlightening presentation exploring the B2B decision-making process and the implications emotional and cognitive bias can play for B2B marketers and their clients. Abigail then led an insightful panel discussion featuring Beni Gradwohl (Cognovi Labs), Lateef Mauricio Abro (Digitas) and Ryan Boh (Oracle Advertising), where they examined the myth that B2B decisions are typically steeped in rationality. In both the presentation and panel discussion the unique factor in navigating multiple stakeholders in the B2B decision-making process was highlighted. This led to the exploration of the complex factors in negotiating B2B client biases, emotional blockers and the actual "hyper-emotional" component of B2B decision-making. A variety of ideas and solutions on how these biases and emotional blockers can be mitigated were discussed.

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  • Article

Diverse Reactions: Getting Diversity and Inclusion Right in Advertising

Kantar’s Deepak Varma presented research on racial representation in advertising which sought to understand consumer reactions to single race ads compared to multi-racial and diverse ads from diverse audiences (Black Americans, Hispanics, Asians and Whites). Using creative assessment tools coupled with facial coding, eye-tracking and intuitive associations, the study measured unconscious bias in addition to explicit and implicit reactions to advertising. Breaking down consumer responses to diverse ads from Uber, Instacart and Bounty, Deepak stressed the importance of emotional connections through powerful stories that cut across all races.

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CultureConnect Podcast Series: Deconstructing Diversity Today

March 7, 2022 — Episode #2: Deconstructing Diversity Today with NBCU Magna and Identity, a conversation with Dana Sparber, Vice President of Insights and Research at NBC Universal, Kara Manatt, Senior Vice President of Intelligence Solutions at Magna. and Oscar Allain, Senior Vice President of Cultural Research at Identity and head of International Research at UM.

We’re living in a time when the way people identify themselves is constantly evolving. Not only do Americans live in a multicultural society, but many embrace communities that go beyond their own heritage. So, if marketers want to connect with consumers and stand out from the competition, they need to reflect this cultural reality. This episode features a discussion surrounding a recent study by NBCU and two ad agencies (Magna and Identity) which identifies steps marketers can take to reach a polycultural society, including having a culture first mindset.

Guests: A conversation with Dana Sparber, Vice President of Insights and Research at NBC Universal, Kara Manatt, Senior Vice President of Intelligence Solutions at Magna. and Oscar Allain, Senior Vice President of Cultural Research at Identity and head of International Research at UM. Hosted by, Barbara Leflein of Leflein Associates (Co-Chair, Cultural Council) and Moderated by Janelle James, SVP, IUU Ipsos (Co-Chair, Cultural Council)