ad creative

Generative AI Can Make Ad Creative Better Than Humans Alone

Have we reached the John Henry moment in ad creative where the machine can outperform a human in creating visuals for ads? Not quite. Generative AI does have a place in creative, however. This Marketing Science Institute (MSI) working paper found that GenAI when trained on ads which were rated the most effective by consumers can create ad visuals and text that outperform the originals in KPIs related to the purchase funnel and brand associations. Yet, the human element has not been cut out just yet. In fact, it might be pivotal to the process. The human AI combo saved time and effort and created pleasing visuals while maintaining a brand’s distinctive positioning.

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Not All Boycotts are Equal

A Harvard Business Review paper points to a number of reasons why the Bud Light boycott was more effective than most. The researchers suggest steps companies can take to avoid such boycotts while emphasizing the unique circumstances of this particular situation.  

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AI at a CPG Company

Colgate-Palmolive reveals how AI helps them achieve key objectives and improve processes. They  provided insights into the use of AI in marketing at AUDIENCExSCIENCE as well as MSI’s Summit 2024.

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The Benefits of Understanding Consumers’ Values

Research has demonstrated that developing messages, creative and targeting based only on demographic characteristics is not optimal. Investing in research on consumers’ values and emotions is likely to increase marketing effectiveness.     Read more »

SeeHer and Horowitz Research’s Gen Z Vibe Check

Tarya WeedonCultural Insights Strategist, Horowitz Research

Yatisha FordeSenior Director, Insights & Thought Leadership, ANA

Tarya Weedon of Horowitz Research and Yatisha Forde of the ANA discussed how to connect and create trust with Gen Z through accurate representation, authentic allyship and honest dialogue. This generation is redefining American culture with their views on gender, sexuality and fluidity. Champions of gender equality, they are a vocal cohort at the forefront of reversing the negative effects of traditional gender rules and stereotypes. Gen Z are hyperaware of when a campaign’s message is inauthentic or a brand does not “walk the walk.” Fewer Gen Z than other generations think advertising accurately reflects them. Tarya and Yatisha offered advice on how to pass the “vibe check” with this generation. Their study had two legs, a qualitative phase which was interacting over a two-week period with an online community with 70 Gen Zers in the U.S. The quantitative phase was an online survey among 800 U.S. respondents ages 14-to-24. Key takeaways:
  • Forty percent of Gen Zers said labels should be chosen by the individual, not society.
  • Over 50% said both male and female identifying people can do anything from using makeup to doing manual physical labor, and from being emotional to being in STEM.
  • Eighty-eight percent disagree that increased acceptance of non-traditional ways about gender and sexuality is bad for society.
  • Half of Gen Z self-identify as gender non-binary, and 64% identify as sexually fluid.
  • Forty-six percent said claiming support wasn’t enough. To be seen as trustworthy, a brand needs to show its support in action.
  • Forty-seven percent said it felt like pandering when an ad highlighted a cause that they’re not involved in.
  • Although respondents thought that all brands have a responsibility to influence perceptions about gender and sexuality, they felt some types of brands have a bigger responsibility than others. The biggest responsibility came to beauty/self-care brands (50%), clothing (49%), pharma/health (20%) and food/beverage brands (18%).
  • Just 47% of respondents felt like advertising accurately reflected their generation.
  • Recommendations included making diversity part of the brand ethos, reimagining gender and sexuality in advertising content, leveraging SheHer guides and GEM best practices, including more diversity and aspects of intersectionality in advertising and finding ways to open dialogue that is inclusive and without judgment.

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Linear vs. Streaming: Current State of Creative and Media

Nicole Lawless DesJardins, Ph.D.Sr. Director Data Science,

Leslie Wood, Ph.D.CRO,

Leslie Wood and Nicole Lawless DesJardins, both of, provided an overview of advertising trends in linear and streaming over the last two years in terms of ad creative, campaign and measurement. They defined linear as any content purchased on a national schedule and noted that variations exist across industries. Among their findings:
  • Streaming creatives outnumbered linear 2:1 during 2022 and 2023, and the share of streaming creatives increased in 2023.
  • In terms of creative rotation, linear creatives were on air five times longer during 2022 and 2023 than streaming creative. On linear, a smaller set of creatives will rotate on and off for over a year while on streaming, there are many creatives and each creative runs for two months.
  • The majority of impressions are on linear, but there has been a 24% year-over-year increase in streaming impressions. There are also variations depending on seasons and industries.
  • During 2022-2023, the vast majority of the campaigns in both years were linear only or linear first; however, streaming only, streaming first and mixed campaigns saw significant growth year-over-year.
Key takeaways:
  • Ad creative: Creatives ran for a shorter period of time on streaming compared to linear platforms during 2022-2023.
  • Campaign: Across industries, brands were increasingly leveraging streaming on top of traditional linear TV buys. Linear-only campaigns have declined and there have been increases in mixed and streaming-first campaigns, along with the emergence of streaming-only campaigns.
  • As much as 57% of a campaign’s audience is exposed to the campaign on both streaming and linear TV.
  • Measurement: Linear generated higher reach and frequency per campaign compared to streaming.
  • In 2023, linear’s reach surpassed streaming’s reach across industries, and average frequency is nearly 2.5x higher on linear.
  • The sweet spot of frequency on streaming is approximately four and is less variable than linear due to better targeting and frequency control within the streaming environment.

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Viewer Pre-Dispositions to Seeing an Ad in an Unexpected Language

Ben Cunningham Director, Ad Experience Measurement, NBCUniversal

Simran SrinivasanProduct Manager, Video Products, NBCUniversal

Ben Cunningham and Simran Srinivasan of NBCUniversal shared their research on whether ad effectiveness changes when the language of the ad and the content is not aligned. They specifically examined what was working and not working when targeting Spanish language speakers. Their methodology included a three-phase approach, starting with a qualitative study in local markets with high Hispanic populations (e.g., LA, Miami) as well as through virtual groups to better understand their tolerance for language fluidity that is happening on their connected TVs. This was followed by a quantitative phase (n=7,200) with an experimental design where participants were recruited to watch content as though they were watching on Peacock with similar ad loads. A post-exposure survey was conducted to evaluate brand effectiveness, ad effectiveness and general perceptions towards the experience. This phase was paired with biometric research where they used facial coding to track the information processing and unconscious responses. They tested Spanish vs. English language ads in English and Spanish language content. Overall, they found that people generally understand ads in a different language, it doesn’t affect the enjoyment of the show and there was not much difference on recall. Key findings: For Spanish language ads in English language content:
  • Strong visuals still carries the message: 78% generally understand the ads that were in a different language than the content even if they are English-only speakers.
  • Seventy-one percent said that it was not disruptive to their experience to see ads in a different language than the content.
  • There was only a 3pt difference in recall for English ads (46%) vs. Spanish ads (43%) seen in English language content. However, there was a 10% boost in recall among the Spanish dominant group for Spanish-language ads and a 10% decline in recall for Spanish-language ads among the English-only group.
  • There was not much loss of attention or processing power from beginning to the end of the Spanish language ads for all test groups (English only, bilingual and Spanish dominant).
For English language ads in Spanish language content:
  • Previous exposure to both English and Spanish language content is the top determinant in ad language receptivity. The group with the most exposure to both languages is the most receptive to the ad itself.
Key takeaways:
  • There is an actual opportunity to use English language content as an effective place to reach Spanish and bilingual speakers.
  • There is a need to be super careful and thoughtful about how we define audience segments as there is a loss of effectiveness when we reach the wrong person too many times.

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