ad creative

The Future of Ad Creative?

A new study in the Journal of Advertising Research explores the role of deep fakes and A.I. on ad creative and consumer response to advertising

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How to Improve Prosocial Messages

Many companies have employed prosocial messaging and more diverse portrayals in advertising. New research explored if and how those strategies can improve consumers’ perceptions of brands and increase sales.  Read more »

Attention Events

Two events take place next week that are designed to help marketers create attention-grabbing and effective messages.

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How AI and Deepfakes Could Reshape the Advertising Industry


Artificial intelligence is already changing advertising, but how will it reshape it moving forward? Researchers unpack the potential effects of three different forms of AI—analytic, interpretive and creative—on seven categories of advertising industry stakeholders. Can those who embrace the evolving creative AI mechanisms get ahead of competitors?

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New Lenses on Brand Identity

  • Summary by Hannah Stone (Verizon), Young Pros Officer

This ARF Cognition Council event explored how brands can improve consumers’ perceptions of their pro-social messaging based on insights from fresh analyses of data from a variety of sources. Experts from Ipsos, Dartmouth College and Research Measurement Technologies shed light on a diverse range of research on ways that brands can convey pro-social messages in their advertising.

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How to Use Genders in Advertising

Casey Hobgood, Associate Strategy Director at We Are Social US, argues that “…brands are still failing to address the whole spectrum of gender identities in their market research, campaigns and products.”

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Emmy Nominations for Commercials

A pair of comedic Apple ads and two anti-gun violence messages earned four of the six Outstanding Commercial Emmy nominations from the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. The winner be announced during the awards ceremony on September 12th.

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