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How can we fairly measure the quality of an ad impression? What do we really know about the relationship between time-duration and value to advertisers? And if time-duration is NOT the end-all and be-all metric for fair cross-platform comparisons, then what is?

At this ARF Town Hall on February 23, 2022, experts from Bain & Company, Meta, TVision and the ARF explored new research on the value of time in advertising and how our understanding of duration should inform industry-wide marketing strategy.

The second session on March 2, will summarize the output from the first part and present a Buy-Side follow-up discussion between practitioners about the implications for emerging standards for measurement of ad effectiveness.

Further insights and discussion of this topic will be presented at AUDIENCExSCIENCE 2022 in April. More details to come.

Featured Speakers

Paul Donato


Paul DonatoChief Research Officer
Cesar Brea


Cesar BreaPartner
Bain & Company
Sophie MacIntyre


Sophie MacIntyreAds Research Lead, Marketing Science
Tristan Webster


Tristan WebsterProduct, Data & Analytics