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The ARF hosted its annual flagship conference, AUDIENCExSCIENCE 2023, on April 25-26, 2023. The industry’s biggest names and brightest minds came together to share new insights on the impact of changing consumer behavior on brands, insights into TV consumption, campaign measurement and effectiveness, whether all impressions are equal, join-up solutions across multiple media, the validity, reliability and predictive power of Attention measures, targeting diverse audiences, privacy’s effect on advertising and the impact of advertising in new formats. Keynotes were presented by Tim Hwang, author of Subprime Attention Crisis, Robert L. Santos of the U.S. Census Bureau, Brian Wieser of Madison and Wall, LLC and Andrea Zapata of Warner Bros. Discovery.

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  • Article

The ARF Immersive Advertising Study

What attitudes do advertisers currently have about virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and the metaverse? This is an important question, since according to one report by Snap, nearly 75% of the world’s population (and almost all of those using social communications apps right now) are expected to be frequent VR users. A new ARF study, using data from The Advertiser Perceptions Ad Pros proprietary community, gives us a much fuller understanding of advertisers’ attitudes and behaviors toward these nascent technologies.

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Survey Fatigue Impacts Business

An analysis by Bloomberg concludes that declining response rates on surveys conducted by government agencies could have significant implications for financial markets.

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What Does AI Mean for Advertising Research?


We’ve all heard about the growing use of artificial intelligence in advertising research and doom and gloom predictions that it will knock out jobs, but is this really the case? Agency leaders joined us for an ARF Town Hall to discuss the upsides and possible downsides of generative AI, as well as how they’re utilizing it in their businesses to boost efficiency. Attendees heard predictions on how AI will change the business model of advertising and what it could mean for media agencies.

2023 Roadmap: Goals, Inspiration, Motivation, & Insights

  • Young Pros | Author Janay Battle,

In this Fireside Chat session, Young Pros Advisory Board member Megan O’Brien, Sr. Research Analyst, Omnicom Media Group, had an insightful discussion with Mary Sheehan, Head of Lightroom Product Marketing, Adobe. Mary shared her expert career knowledge with attendees about navigating their career journey and strategizing for 2023. Mary is an author and expert in career strategy, marketing, leadership, and workforce development. Mary shared how she specifically navigated her career and how other young professionals can use her insights of managing teams, deadlines, career development, and goal setting to navigate their careers. Mary has so much profound knowledge that she recently released a new book, “Product Launches” which is now an Amazon best seller.

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ARF Women in Analytics: Mentorship Program Launch

  • Women in Analytics

On August 2, 2022, mentors and mentees attended a Mentorship Program Launch event with Neha Bhargava –Advertising Research Director at Meta, and Annabel Jack – Founder at Mentor for Growth, who shared best practices about how to make the most out of your mentorship experience. Then Jamie Thomas – Co-Founder of Cophi, explained the methodology behind the values survey and how and why pairs were matched.

What Drives Customer Online Engagement

  • MSI

We have seen a significant increase in consumer participation in social media over the last decade. This can have a substantial benefit to firms. The problem is, while many consumers join platforms, they tend to spend less time on them over time. To have a sustainable social media marketing program, customer engagement must be maintained over the duration.

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