
What Will Adtech Look Like in a Post-Cookie World?

Google recently announced it’s Chrome browser will cease using third-party cookies by 2022. This has sent shockwaves throughout the industry, as 66% of all browser use comes through Chrome. That announcement, along with a number of privacy regulations coming in—including the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), are predicted to alter the digital marketing landscape. Read more.

Target Multicultural TV Viewers by Program Genres

  • J. P. James (Salem State University) and Tyrha Lindsey-Warren (Baylor University)

Myths abound about planning and buying TV to reach multicultural audiences. The study seeks to dispel them, as it calls for targeting these increasingly valuable audiences by program genres instead of by the networks associated with ethnic groups and insists that the industry needs a new measurement standard in this area.

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How Segmenting by Attitudes vs. Values Can Help Predict Online Behaviors

  • Stephan Scheuffelen, Jan Kemper, & Malte Brettel

Which segment base can help marketers accurately predict online shopping behaviors? This study used data from a German online apparel retailer to create a model that showed much more differentiated click-through behaviors resulting from segmenting by fashion and online-shopping attitudes, than by value-based segmentation.

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Warning: Flawed Data May Be Sabotaging Your Targeting Efforts

  • Alice K. Sylvester and Jim Spaeth

Flaws in data sampling accuracy and coverage can foil brands’ targeting efforts and ultimately their ROI, which bodes badly for advanced TV advertising. The culprits: crippling media fragmentation, and a dearth of research on missing and misidentifying consumers when using commercially available target segments for digital campaigns.

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Marketing to Hispanics

Marketers have become increasingly aware of how important it is to understand the characteristics and dynamics of the Hispanic market - the fastest growing segment of the U.S. population. But what are the Hispanic segment's media behavior and ad receptivity?

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Are You Targeting Too Much?

  • Gian M. Fulgoni, comScore, Inc.

P&G and Unilever have made it clear that brands need to get smarter at ways they deploy available targeting data, writes Gian Fulgoni, Chairman Emeritus of comScore, Inc. The focus should be on driving both short-term performance and long-term outcomes, which “need not be mutually exclusive.”

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When Should You Combine TV with Online Campaigns?

  • Georg M. Goerg, Nicolas Remy, Jim Koehler, Sheethal Shobowale, and Christoph Best

Under what circumstances should a TV ad campaign be complemented with online advertising to increase combined reach? This meta-study—a finalist in the JAR Editorial Board voting for the journal’s Best Paper award—yields simple, interpretable, and actionable rules that improve the understanding of media-mix advertising.

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Mining Social Media + Search Inputs = New Consumer Insights

  • Kate Paulin Charles and Jason Hartley

Combining inputs from What We Say (“Social”) and What We Do (“Search”) offers a new frontier for capturing more reliable consumer behavior. The process includes looking at multiple attributes using a wide array of tools. Case studies from a travel and automotive brand illustrate how mining search and social insights can lead to new, valuable approaches.

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How Retargeting Drove Toyota’s Success Among Hispanic Auto Buyers

  • Mia Phillips – National Manager Multicultural & Brand Strategy, Toyota Motor Sales, USA, Inc.

A lack of in-language automotive sites and online clutter posed challenges to Toyota’s need to reach likely truck buyers in the growing Hispanic community. The automaker used an innovative retargeting approach combined with an understanding of their target’s interests and special creative executions to gain traction among their target and drive success.