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Today’s Shopping Landscape: Strategies for the Changing Consumer Journey

  • SHOPPER 2023

At ARF SHOPPER 2023, which took place in Chicago and virtually on March 9, the industry’s leading marketers and retailers came together to explore the latest research-based consumer insights, and how they are using this data to understand today’s shoppers, build innovative experiences and brand loyalty. Attendees learned about consumer behavioral shifts, how retail media networks are gaining traction in digital marketing strategies, and the latest shopping trends.

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How Will GDPR Impact Market Concentration

  • MSI

What are the effects of the 2018 EU General Data Protection Regulation? According to this analysis, the nuanced effects include reduced data sharing online and increased market concentration of the top four web technology categories. These together represent 94% of website-vendor ties. They are advertising, hosting, audience measurement, and social media.

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Does Privacy Regulation Affect Online Consumer Behavior?

The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) dictates how firms are to collect, store and employ personal information online. Given the importance of such data, the GDPR has a direct impact on the bottom line of millions of online firms. Researchers in this study wanted to understand the consequences of this regulation for website traffic and ecommerce. They found that at least initially, GDPR reduces online activity and economic results somewhat, especially from personalized marketing channels (display ads & emails). With greater enforcement and compliance long-term, however, the impact may be even greater.

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Mobile Traffic Driver

A global analysis shows that video, with its high bandwidth demand, dominates mobile traffic. In 2023 it most likely will make up more than half of downstream internet traffic. Read more »

Ad Revenue Trend

This chart from Visual Capitalist shows how just three companies now make up 50% of U.S. ad revenues. 

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Cross-Channel Synergy Effects

New experiments exploring the impact of marketing online in conjunction with direct mail confirm that multi-platform strategies generate synergies that are likely to affect consumer responses in various stages of the search-purchase funnel.

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Attribution & Analytics Accelerator 2022

The boldest and brightest minds joined us November 14 - 17 for Attribution & Analytics Accelerator 2022—the only event focused exclusively on attribution, marketing mix models, in-market testing and the science of marketing performance measurement. Experts led discussions to answer some of the industry’s most pressing questions and shared new innovations that can bring growth to your organization.

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New Research Methods Strengthen Ad Creative’s Impact


Advertising creative is critical to driving business growth and positive business outcomes for brands, several studies have shown. It is also crucial to the overall ecosystem and brands’ ability to reach their marketing goals. Given the importance of good creative, the ARF Creative Council put together a white paper to inform and educate members on new methods and approaches for generating and optimizing advertising creative content. These fresh and innovative methods offer potent insights during the creative development process. The white paper focuses on tools that can be leveraged in the early stages of creative development, particularly those that take advantage of state-of-the-art technology.

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