retail & restaurants

What a Product’s Weight Conveys to Consumers

  • Marketing Science Institute

A product’s shape, packaging or logo contributes to consumer understanding and reactions to that product, previous research has found. But what impression does the perceived weight of a product convey and how can this be used for advertising and marketing purposes? Researchers Priya Raghubir, Lu Yang and Dengfeng Yan looked into this and discovered that consumers use a stability heuristic for weight judgements. Shorter, broader objects are judged to be heavier and thus are considered more stable. And when it comes to food items, weight also plays on such things as calorie assessment.

How Payment Mode Affects Consumer Behavior

  • Marketing Science Institute

As part of MSI’s Expert Curation series, Priya Raghubir, Professor of Marketing, New York University, and an MSI academic fellow, discusses a series of studies that focus on how modes of payment affect consumer purchase behavior. Concerns over Covid-19 and the need to social distance have accelerated the use of cashless and touchless forms of payment. This paper outlines the latest research on associations between these and other payment options and consumer spending habits, such as spending likelihood, spending amount, spending patterns, brand loyalty and customer satisfaction.

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The Shopping Revolution — What’s Next? (Event Summary)


At SHOPPERxSCIENCE 2021, experts presented a framework to use to create a competitive retail environment. Attendees heard the latest research and insights to effectively maneuver the changing shopping landscape. Enjoy this brief recap of the event – including the latest research and insights to keep your business and brand successful. Key takeaways, the full event video, and presentations are available for ARF members: If you are interested in becoming a corporate member, please contact LOGIN TO ACCESS

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Consumer Behavior and Brand Loyalty (Event Summary)


As the Covid-19 pandemic continues, long-held marketing beliefs about shopping habits and brand purchases are being called into question as consumers face life disruptions on a magnitude previously unimagined. Shopping has become an essential activity, but overwhelming demand has limited usual access to favorite brands and driven substitute experimentation. Marketing strategies had to pivot quickly to adapt as e-commerce came to the forefront, shouldering the brunt of new customers ordering online. At SHOPPERxSCIENCE 2020, the ARF delved into consumer behavior in the “new normal”, speaking to notable marketers and researchers about their experiences and which new habits will persist moving forward.  Editor’s Note: The full summary is available to members only.

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