retail & restaurants

Preparing for Google’s 2024 Privacy Changes

On June 25, OptiMine dove into the specifics of Google’s privacy changes and revealed how these changes will impact the marketing and measurement landscape. Traditional forms of measurement will no longer be viable as privacy-driven data loss continues to diminish accuracy, coverage and reliability. Attendees gained applicable strategies on how their brands can adapt before it’s too late.

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Using Shelf Interaction Analysis to Enhance Retail Efficiency and Customer Engagement

Utilizing video tracking and shelf interaction analysis provides actionable insights for retailers looking to manage shopping efforts and enhance customer engagement in retail stores. This Marketing Science Institute (MSI) at the ARF working paper illustrates the benefits of strategic shelf reorganization and targeted promotions to improve shopping efficiency and sales conversion.

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Opening Stores Can be a Part of a Successful Omnichannel Strategy

  • MSI

Although ecommerce has been touted by some as the way of the future, in fact this Marketing Science Institute (MSI) working paper finds that opening brick-and-mortar stores can in fact be a fruitful part of an overarching omnichannel strategy. If done right, such a move can attract new customers while retaining the engagement of existing ones. Opening locations can increase revenue and customer value by providing customers the in-person, hands-on experience they crave, but these benefits vary across product categories. This paper can help retailers improve their in-store assortments, thereby achieving greater prosperity and success.

Which Gen Z Mobile Users Should Retailers Retarget?


Even though it is a common practice in the industry, researchers so far have not reached a uniform conclusion about how or even whether retargeting works. But a new study focused on Gen Z mobile users offers insight into the early stages of decision making, and a multitude of factors that influence these consumers’ perceptions when viewing luxury fashion ads for a second and third time.

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2023 Attribution & Analytics Accelerator

The Attribution & Analytics Accelerator returned for its eighth year as the only event focused exclusively on attribution, marketing mix models, in-market testing and the science of marketing performance measurement. The boldest and brightest minds took the stage to share their latest innovations and case studies. Modelers, marketers, researchers and data scientists gathered in NYC to quicken the pace of innovation, fortify the science and galvanize the industry toward best practices and improved solutions. Content is available to event attendees and ARF members.

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Striking a Balance: Privacy, Personalization & Profit

Modern digital privacy laws, while well-intentioned, carry significant unintended consequences. On September 12, industry experts joined us for a virtual Town Hall and discussed the unintended consequences of privacy regulations on marketers, consumers, the industry and society—as well as shared actionable strategies that can be used to mitigate their impacts.

Done Right, Vulnerability Appeals Do Drive Purchase Intent


During the COVID-19 pandemic, the vulnerability appeal became prevalent among for-profit companies in distress and seeking ways to sustain their business. Facing the threat of shutting down, they shifted their messaging to asking customers to help them stay afloat by buying their products. New research explains the success behind these novel types of appeals.

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