
What Lift & ROI Measurement Products Exist Today?

  • ARF Cross-Platform Measurement Council

Relevant key performance indicators (KPIs) have become increasingly important over the last decade for evaluating the impact of marketing and media spending. Today, numerous companies offer products that measure “ROI” and “lift,” But, for many, it is difficult to differentiate them. This prompted the Online-Offline Metrics Working Group of the ARF’s Cross-Platform Measurement Council to create: The Guide to Lift and ROI Measurement Products. This comprehensive report highlights the product offerings of 27 companies in the space.

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How to Collaborate & Unleash Powerful Advertising (Event Summary)

  • Maris Cohen

The ARF Creative Council’s New Research Guidelines Working Group curated and produced a “Behind Frenemy Lines” virtual happy hour event, whose objective was to share thoughts, experiences, and ideas across the creative divide. Moderated by Council Co-chair Mark Truss, Chief Research Officer, Wunderman Thompson, the event brought together researchers, creatives, and planners at brands and agencies to discuss their own experiences and reactions to the role of research in the creative process, building on ideas revealed in a recently-published whitepaper exploring this topic.

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The Best Tools & Apps for Making Social Media Ads

  • ARF

Are you getting the most out of your advertising campaigns on social media? This helpful report offers an easy, step-by-step guide on how to create an ad on the four most popular platforms: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram. It covers the ads manager feature for each, too. This can help you get the most out of your dashboard. And it discusses the best tools and apps available for each page.