future state

Navigating the Evolving Media Landscape

  • OTT 2023

The media landscape continues to evolve, arguably at a faster rate than ever. Leading media and measurement experts presented research-based insights on how viewers use different forms of TV/video on various platforms. Attendees joined us at the Warner Bros. Discovery Studios in California and via livestream to understand the latest data and discussions of the data’s implications.

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Advertising Effectiveness: Performance Measurement in the New World of Privacy and Tools

On July 26, measurement practitioners discussed how to adapt to this new era of privacy with tools for measuring ad performance effectiveness. Panelists explored new considerations for existing methods, such as marketing mix modeling (MMMs) and multi-touch attribution (MTAs), and discussed the pros and cons of various privacy enhancing technologies (PETs), including multi-party computation, clean rooms, and more.

MSI Blue Ribbon Report Preview Charts the Future of MMM

  • MSI

The practice of marketing mixed modeling (MMM) is increasing, research finds, partially because of the implementation of privacy restrictions. Today, finding appropriate providers to optimize marketing investments remains challenging. This was the impetus behind the Marketing Science Institute (MSI)’s Blue Ribbon Report on MMM. This free preview of the full white paper outlines what best practices to employ in a rapidly changing landscape. It identifies challenges for MMM veterans and ways to meet them. It also introduces executives to the opportunities that exist when introducing MMM into their firm. The report preview provides a brief overview of the top-level findings found in the full report, which is only available to MSI members.

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What are the Drivers Behind Metric Use in a Global Setting?

  • MSI

Marketers are under increasing pressure to be accountable for their actions. Using metrics is a big part of how they justify their decisions across the organization. Increasingly, firms are becoming global entities. Yet, there is little to no research looking into what drives metric use across countries. Researchers in this study analyzed over 4,000 marketing mix decisions in 16 countries. Their report offers important insights for top executives who want to understand what is driving downstream managerial metric use.

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The Other Thread: The Debate About Cross-Media Deduplication

On June 28, media research pioneer and journalist Bill Harvey sent excerpts of his latest Media Village article to several of the industry’s leading media researchers. That article was entitled: Cross-Media Duplication Must Be Rigorously and Empirically Determined. What followed was a robust intellectual debate that outlines where the lines are drawn in the industry as far as whether virtual IDs (VIDs) can overcome issues of privacy and still provide an accurate account of campaign cross-platform duplication. We now share this jaunty and insightful exchange with our members.

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Perspectives on Measurement and Why it Matters

Reimagining the measurement ecosystem has never been more important as consumers continue to diversify how and where they access content. In a wide-ranging discussion on the state of measurement, Advertising Age’s Jack Neff discussed the impact and opportunities of investing in a multi-currency future for media and marketers with leaders at Paramount, John Halley and Colleen Fahey Rush. Below are edited highlights of their discussion.

Advertising Effectiveness: Performance Measurement in the New World of Privacy and Tools

  • Insights Studio

On July 26, measurement practitioners discussed how to adapt to this new era of privacy with tools for measuring ad performance effectiveness. Panelists explored new considerations for existing methods, such as marketing mix modeling (MMMs) and multi-touch attribution (MTAs), and discussed the pros and cons of various privacy enhancing technologies (PETs), including multi-party computation, clean rooms, and more.

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Measurement & Currency Priorities

In a presentation on today’s measurement challenges, Jon Watts, CIMM’s Managing Director, called for industry collaboration to improve OTA and Local measurement. Read more »