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Growing ROI with YouTube ABCDs Creative Effectiveness Guidelines

Creative is the dominant ROI driver across all media platforms according to Nielsen Catalina Solutions: creative 49%, media 36%, and brand 15%. However, creative is challenging to measure. The speakers provided an ABCD insights framework for building effective ads on YouTube based on the key creative elements that drive sales as proven by Google’s partner, Nielsen.

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The ARF Attention Report


The ARF partnered with the UK’s Attention Council on this project, whose aim was to gauge the level of interest in attention metrics among ARF members and the Wonks community. Sixty-three participants took the survey in January of this year (2022). The qualitative study focuses on variations among the industry’s sectors in their outlook on attention metrics. The differences in outlook between researchers and the buy-side were particularly interesting.

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What is the Value of Time in Advertising? (Part II: Implications of Value Research for Industry)


The ARF’s Town Hall, Part 2, on the value of time in advertising highlighted the thinking of buy-side leaders, Denise Campbell, Chief Marketing Officer, AbbVie, Joanne Leong, VP, Director, Global Media Partnerships, Dentsu Aegis Network, and Christina (Chrissie) Hanson, Global Chief Strategy Officer, OMD Worldwide on the ideas presented at last week's Town Hall. Additionally, Scott McDonald, Ph.D., President & CEO, ARF, shared findings from an ARF Attention Survey, as well as providing his feedback on the issues and challenges relating to attention metrics. The ensuing discussion focused on the use of attention as a major currency metric and the business implications of the latest time-duration research. Cesar Brea, Partner, Bain & Company, served as the moderator and introduced the Town Hall by discussing the reasons why the industry is very interested in an attention-based currency as a basis for investment.

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Are Non-Local Sports Fans Bigger Sponsor Patrons than Locals?


Fans who travel far to sporting events may be more valuable to sponsoring brands than previously thought. A research model tested against a cycling field study shows that “faraway” fans are more knowledgeable about the sport than locals, identify more strongly as a fan of the sport and have greater event attachment, potentially increasing their desire to support sponsoring brands.

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Can Online Social Pressure be Good for You?

  • MSI

Virtual Support Communities (VSCs) can have both positive and negative consequences for users. On the one hand, VSCs provide information and emotional support, which can help members achieve health and wellness goals. On the other, the social dynamics are such that community managers or admins must understand how to control them, and how such forces affect consumer engagement.

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