consumer behavior

Gaming Growth

Strong growth is predicted for gaming – both for revenue from purchases and from advertising. Mobile (“Social/Casual”) is driving nearly all of the growth. Read more »

Opening Stores Can be a Part of a Successful Omnichannel Strategy

  • MSI

Although ecommerce has been touted by some as the way of the future, in fact this Marketing Science Institute (MSI) working paper finds that opening brick-and-mortar stores can in fact be a fruitful part of an overarching omnichannel strategy. If done right, such a move can attract new customers while retaining the engagement of existing ones. Opening locations can increase revenue and customer value by providing customers the in-person, hands-on experience they crave, but these benefits vary across product categories. This paper can help retailers improve their in-store assortments, thereby achieving greater prosperity and success.

The Age of Acquisition Effect Has a Small Impact on Brand Recognition


Things learned early in life are recognized faster and more accurately, according to the age-of-acquisition effect, a phenomenon studied widely in psychology research. A new study recently published in the Journal of Advertising Research explores how this effect works in the context of brand names. It finds that brand exposure frequency and usage recency have a much greater effect on recognition than the age of acquisition itself.

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Utilizing FOMO to Increase Engagement with Your Brand

  • MSI

Fear of missing out (FOMO) is a phrase that social media has given rise to. Those who follow others on such platforms can be made anxious about their own life choices and use of free time when following friends and their activities online. If brands can properly understand this phenomenon, however, they can find ways to engage with customers, including through the content and events consumers most care about. Researchers in this Marketing Science Institute (MSI) working paper find that those who are most attracted to a brand are the ones who become the most engaged through such a strategy.

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Many consumers are concerned about marketers’ access to their data (as shown in ARF studies with a new report being released soon). Read more »

Media Use/Audience Behavior

Given the rapid changes in the media landscape and in viewer behavior and attitudes, this is sure to be an on-going concern for researchers.

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How to Leverage the Video Game Ecosystem for Marketing Analytics

  • MSI

Online video gaming is a channel that has grown significantly in popularity in the last decade and the trend is likely to continue. Due to a massive group of highly engaged gamers, marketers can use this channel to understand this segment and their needs much better. However, this ecosystem, along with providing unique opportunities, also comes with unique challenges. This Marketing Science Institute (MSI) working paper offers a roadmap.

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