brand equity

How Long Can Brands Go Dark before Sales Suffer?


How long can large- and medium-size brands, with stable sales histories, afford to halt broad-reach advertising? The answer, according to a new study, is about two years before sales and market share start to shrink. Those brands are the exception. Previously declining brands, especially small ones, will see sales drop even further when going dark for a year.

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Sports Sponsorship: Swing and a Miss or Home Run?

  • Lane Wakefield; Kirk Wakefield; Kevin Lane Keller; Anne Rivers

Adding to research that scrutinizes sponsorship spending, this study asked: Are sponsoring brands wasting money? The focus: Major League Baseball sponsorship and four dimensions of brand equity. Researchers used the expansive BrandAsset Valuator database to reach their conclusions. A major finding: Brand personality matters. Strong personalities tend to overspend, while ‘boring’ ones can hit the ball out of the park.

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Audio Advertising, Targeting, Creativity and Segmentation/CSR ads (Event Summary)

  • Insights Studio Series: Inside the JAR

A global panel of experts synthesized their work published in the Journal of Advertising Research September edition (60,3). Presentations investigated speech rates in audio commercials; targeting and brand loyalty in digital media; differences in how consumers and advertising professionals assess creative; and segmentation considerations in CSR advertising. In the Q&A that followed, the speakers connected insights from their research to the extraordinary events of 2020. Editor’s Note: The full summary is available to members only.

NYCU: AUDIENCExSCIENCE 2020 – Keynotes & Interviews on Today’s Most Challenging Issues

AudienceXScience: Keynote – Collecting Data During a Global Pandemic (Monday – 9/21/20)

With the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic, the US Census Bureau’s leadership had to think outside the box. Learn how the agency modified its work, all while maintaining operations, releasing data products and continuing to serve the data-user community during this unprecedented time.

Dr. Ron Jarmin – Deputy Director and COO, U.S. Census Bureau
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Brand Hacks for Growth During a Time of Crisis (Event Summary)


In this fascinating presentation, Dr. Emmanuel Probst, SVP of Brand Health Tracking at Ipsos and author of Brand Hacks — How to Build Brands by Fulfilling the Human Quest for Meaning, covered the major thrusts of his book and research and how it relates to the current pandemic. He made sure to impress upon viewers the importance of brands building upon meaning. Since we live in such dark times and consumers are consuming more media, it’s important to convey positive emotions in ads, stand out, be authentic and connect, even daily, to your brand’s purpose. Although if the brand doesn’t have a purpose, that’s okay too.

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