The Evolution of “OTT” and “CTV”

While there is still some disagreement over the definition of “OTT” and “CTV”, most use these terms now in a new way that reflects the changes in the media landscape and viewer behavior during the last five years. 

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The Evolution of “OTT” and “CTV”

  • ARF Knowledge at Hand; CMO BRIEF

Towards the end of 2018, the ARF issued a Knowledge at Hand report and a CMO Brief each called The OTT Revolution. Since then, the OTT revolution has not only continued but it has accelerated. Moreover, the pandemic acted as a catalyst, increasing the rate of this acceleration. At the same time, the meaning of the term OTT has changed.

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Advertising and Streaming

There are three kinds of streaming services. The fastest growing right now are “FAST.” Attitudes about TV advertising appear to be one driver of FAST’s growth.   

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New Research Insights on Viewers’ Behaviors and Attitudes 


A (virtual) event presented by the ARF’s LA Media Research Council took place on June 15. Titled ”New Research Insights on Viewer’s Behaviors and Attitudes” it featured four presentations focused on issues that the Council had identified as priorities: better data on viewers’ use of media and platforms, the growth of streaming and content discovery and promotion.

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Is Streaming’s Rise Coming to an End?

While Wall Street is focused on Netflix’ subscriber decline, and some speculate that this indicates the end of streaming’s rise, new research from HUB finds that, while there are challenges, the shift to streaming has not slowed down. Read more »

Attitudes about Ad-Supported Content

Researchers Jon Giegengack, Founder & Principal, HUB Entertainment Research, and David Tice, Research Senior Consultant, HUB Entertainment Research, reported on new insights from their ongoing series of surveys on trends in consumers’ viewing behaviors, about ad-supported versus ad-free content.  Read more »

A New Trend in Streaming

Based on his latest analyses of Nielsen’s data, Brian Fuhrer’s presentation focused on a new trend in viewer behavior, STRIVE: Streaming Live or Linear Streaming through an app. Fuhrer is SVP, Product Strategy & Thought Leadership at Nielsen. Read more »