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CMO Briefs: How to Use Context to Optimize Advertising Campaigns

No advertisement is seen in isolation. The impact an ad has depends on the context it finds itself in, including what type of ad or content preceded it or what it is adjacent to, in terms of digital or print. Today, there is a renewed interest in context effects, particularly in the COVID era, as advertisers worry about their ads rolling after or being adjacent to upsetting news. This newly updated Knowledge at Hand and corresponding CMO Brief explore all the latest research and insights surrounding context effects.

Further complicating the issue is the question, what do we mean by “context?” Today, the industry is taking a broader view of the term. This is due to multi-platform campaigns, which force the need to consider all characteristics present in each medium or platform an ad takes place in. Our understanding of context has also been affected by the current pandemic and the role target consumers’ culture and values play, in light of it.  Read more.

KaH: How to Use Context to Optimize Advertising Campaigns

No advertisement is seen in isolation. The impact an ad has depends on the context it finds itself in, including what type of ad or content preceded it or what it is adjacent to, in terms of digital or print. Today, there is a renewed interest in context effects, particularly in the COVID era, as advertisers worry about their ads rolling after or being adjacent to upsetting news. This newly updated Knowledge at Hand and corresponding CMO Brief explore all the latest research and insights surrounding context effects.

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How to Use Context to Optimize Advertising Campaigns (Summary)

  • The ARF

No advertisement is seen in isolation. The impact an ad has depends on the context it finds itself in, including what type of ad or content preceded it or what it is adjacent to, in terms of digital or print. Today, there is a renewed interest in context effects, particularly in the COVID era, as advertisers worry about their ads rolling after or being adjacent to upsetting news. This newly updated Knowledge at Hand and corresponding CMO Brief explore all the latest research and insights surrounding context effects.

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Audio Advertising, Targeting, Creativity and Segmentation/CSR ads (Event Summary)

  • Insights Studio Series: Inside the JAR

A global panel of experts synthesized their work published in the Journal of Advertising Research September edition (60,3). Presentations investigated speech rates in audio commercials; targeting and brand loyalty in digital media; differences in how consumers and advertising professionals assess creative; and segmentation considerations in CSR advertising. In the Q&A that followed, the speakers connected insights from their research to the extraordinary events of 2020. Editor’s Note: The full summary is available to members only.

Building Brand Loyalty with Today’s Audience –The Pivotal Role of Representation (Event Summary)


The fourth installment of the ARF Cultural Effectiveness Council’s virtual event series focused on why representation is important. This event provided insights on culture, values and identification that need to be considered in order to achieve meaningful representation of the 21st century US population in advertising. This includes communities that are often overlooked--those within the broader ethnic, LGBTQIA and disabled communities. Editor’s Note: The full summary is available to members only.

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International Young Pros Share Group: ARF Young Pros and IPA MIPA (Event Summary)

  • Hannah Fitton, Ipsos

ARF Young Pros discovered a new way of connecting with professional peers – this time through a virtual, international share group. The ARF and IPA MIPA, located in the UK, co-hosted a session where young professionals discussed both their professional lives and current working-from-home environments. The session opened with a discussion by Ogilvy team members located in both the London and NYC offices, moderated by Stephanie Scalice, a YP Advisory Board Member.

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Choosing Music for Ads: Does a Premium Source Matter?

  • M. Anglada-Tort, Technische Univ. Berlin; S. Keller, Pandora; J. Steffens, Düsseldorf Univ. of Applied Sciences; D. Müllensiefen, Goldsmiths Univ. of London

Does music in advertising need to come from an expensive source, like a popular performance artist, to make an impact? A European academic-practitioner research team, including a Pandora executive, studied the evaluation process for choosing music in ads, by comparing how professionals and consumers judged the sourcing of music. The differential can potentially prove costly for brands.

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