Council Objectives
The Cultural Effectiveness Council spotlights the role and impact of diversity, equity, and inclusion in driving business growth in advertising organizations.
Through the compilation and synthesis of insights from the field, and the development of custom research, the council strives to build a knowledge base and define cutting edge best practices in reaching, engaging and appealing to cross-cultural audiences of the 21st century.
The Council uses the learnings and expanded knowledge base to advocate for the continued evolution and advancement in established best practices for research and effective cross-cultural advertising.
Cultural Effectiveness Council CultureConnect Podcast Series
The ARF Cultural Effectiveness Council has launched an on-demand series of podcasts on “How to Build Brand Loyalty with Today’s 21st Century Audiences.“ In this series, the Council explores ways of reaching and communicating with contemporary diverse audiences at a time when the composition of the U.S. population is undergoing rapid change.
To access the series, click HERE.
Cultural Effectiveness Council Co-Chairs