
Career Skills – Strategies, Steps & Success (Event Summary)


The July 30 ARF’s Women in Analytics event was about honing career skills. Five esteemed female leaders shared the skills they hold near and dear and how they developed them over the years. After the presentations, attendees joined small moderated breakout sessions, where they had the opportunity to ask speakers questions about their careers and how they conquered barriers along the way.

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Mentoring Workshop: How to Be a Leader Now (Event Summary)


The focus of ARF’s Women in Analytics (WIA) Mentoring Workshop was how to be a leader now. It was conceived of and presented by members of the ARF WIA Board of Directors. Three presenters shared their wisdom and experience about leading now, amid a global pandemic. Following the presentations, attendees joined small moderated breakout sessions where they discussed what they have learned about their own leadership styles during the crisis, what is working well, what is not and changes they would like to make. Editor’s Note: The full summary is available to members only.

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Multicultural Conversations on Handling the Hard Stuff (Event Summary)


Navigating the Messy Middle: Multicultural Conversations on Handling the Hard Stuff – Particularly During a Crisis  This virtual Salon, hosted by the ARF Cultural Effectiveness Council was moderated by Janelle James, Qualitative Research Director, Kantar. Janelle was joined by Kendra Clarke, Vice President of Data Science and Product Development, sparks & honey, and Ola Mobolade, Founder at COCO and Co-author of “Marketing to the New Majority”. Editor’s Note: The full summary is available to members only.

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Strategies for Scientific Claims in Cosmetics Ads

  • Jie G. Fowler (Valdosta State University), Les Carlson (University of Nebraska) and Himadri Roy Chaudhuri (Institute of Management Technology, Ghaziabad, India)

Advertisers of cosmeceuticals—cosmetics that have potential health benefits —have had little guidance as to the types and frequency of scientific claims they make in their advertisements. This study offers a typology of such claims as well as insight into how the targeted consumer perceives them when making a purchase decision.

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An ARTICLE OF INTEREST From MediaPost – On Facebook, Men Are Meaner; Women Nicer

Stony Brook University in New York asked 65,000 Facebook users to participate in a survey. They then analyzed 10 million messages. The results suggest that men and women speak different languages as soon as they start scrolling through their newsfeeds. The differences are predictable enough that an algorithm could determine a user’s sex accurately 90% of the time.

The experts found that women are more apt to use warmer and more agreeable language, while men are angrier and more argumentative.

However, women tend to be every bit as assertive as men.
