teams & talent

Navigating the Messy Middle – Intersectionality in the Workplace

  • Jackie Lorch, Vice President, Global Knowledge Management, Dynata

The second installment of the ARF Cultural Effectiveness Council’s Navigating the Messy Middle series -- which focused on the workplace experiences and strategies of mid-career professionals from diverse communities -- hosted two successful executives who have developed their careers in the advertising and media industries.

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Audio Advertising, Targeting, Creativity and Segmentation/CSR ads (Event Summary)

  • Insights Studio Series: Inside the JAR

A global panel of experts synthesized their work published in the Journal of Advertising Research September edition (60,3). Presentations investigated speech rates in audio commercials; targeting and brand loyalty in digital media; differences in how consumers and advertising professionals assess creative; and segmentation considerations in CSR advertising. In the Q&A that followed, the speakers connected insights from their research to the extraordinary events of 2020. Editor’s Note: The full summary is available to members only.

Building Brand Loyalty with Today’s Audience –The Pivotal Role of Representation (Event Summary)


The fourth installment of the ARF Cultural Effectiveness Council’s virtual event series focused on why representation is important. This event provided insights on culture, values and identification that need to be considered in order to achieve meaningful representation of the 21st century US population in advertising. This includes communities that are often overlooked--those within the broader ethnic, LGBTQIA and disabled communities. Editor’s Note: The full summary is available to members only.

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International Young Pros Share Group: ARF Young Pros and IPA MIPA (Event Summary)

  • Hannah Fitton, Ipsos

ARF Young Pros discovered a new way of connecting with professional peers – this time through a virtual, international share group. The ARF and IPA MIPA, located in the UK, co-hosted a session where young professionals discussed both their professional lives and current working-from-home environments. The session opened with a discussion by Ogilvy team members located in both the London and NYC offices, moderated by Stephanie Scalice, a YP Advisory Board Member.

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NYCU: AUDIENCExSCIENCE 2020 – Keynotes & Interviews on Today’s Most Challenging Issues

AudienceXScience: Keynote – Collecting Data During a Global Pandemic (Monday – 9/21/20)

With the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic, the US Census Bureau’s leadership had to think outside the box. Learn how the agency modified its work, all while maintaining operations, releasing data products and continuing to serve the data-user community during this unprecedented time.

Dr. Ron Jarmin – Deputy Director and COO, U.S. Census Bureau
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How to Collaborate & Unleash Powerful Advertising (Event Summary)

  • Maris Cohen

The ARF Creative Council’s New Research Guidelines Working Group curated and produced a “Behind Frenemy Lines” virtual happy hour event, whose objective was to share thoughts, experiences, and ideas across the creative divide. Moderated by Council Co-chair Mark Truss, Chief Research Officer, Wunderman Thompson, the event brought together researchers, creatives, and planners at brands and agencies to discuss their own experiences and reactions to the role of research in the creative process, building on ideas revealed in a recently-published whitepaper exploring this topic.

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Multicultural Conversations on Handling the Hard Stuff (Event Summary)


Navigating the Messy Middle: Multicultural Conversations on Handling the Hard Stuff – Particularly During a Crisis  This virtual Salon, hosted by the ARF Cultural Effectiveness Council was moderated by Janelle James, Qualitative Research Director, Kantar. Janelle was joined by Kendra Clarke, Vice President of Data Science and Product Development, sparks & honey, and Ola Mobolade, Founder at COCO and Co-author of “Marketing to the New Majority”. Editor’s Note: The full summary is available to members only.

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