
What Will Replace the Third-Party Cookie?

  • Paul Donato, Chief Research Officer

Several forces have culminated in the end of the third-party cookie. If DMPs and attribution as we know them go away, what will replace them? ARF CRO Paul Donato, drawing on a number of original ARF research initiatives, issues this report covering privacy’s impact and many other factors driving the end of third-party cookies.

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Appeal Predicts Gay Inclusive-Ad Outcomes

  • Bradley J. Bond and Justine Rapp Farrell (both at University of San Diego)

When gay couples are featured in an ad, advertising appeal can be more important than sexual orientation in predicting consumer behavior—specifically with intentions to purchase and recommend a brand or product—according to research at the University of San Diego.

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How Political Ideology Drives Response to LGBTQ Imagery

  • Gavin Northey (Griffith University, Gold Coast Campus),

We know from prior research that different consumers give  different emotional responses to ads that show images of gay men and women. New research shows evidence that political ideology is a key determinant, suggesting that marketers consider geopolitical segmentation and targeting to reduce potential negative outcomes to sales.

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Conducting Research During (and After) the COVID-19 Crisis (Event Summary)


All three of the companies represented in the session conduct continuous market research and monitor how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected recent respondent behavior, introduced biases or required wholesale changes in data collection methods. For the most part, they reported sufficient continuity providing reassurance that market research has remained resilient and continues to provide insights for marketer decision making. Editor’s Note: The full report is available to members only.

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Building Brand Loyalty Through Language Techniques (Event Summary)


This is second installment of the ARF Cultural Effectiveness Council’s webcast series: Building Brand Loyalty with Today’s 21st Century Audience. This episode focused on language, specifically how marketers can use language to reach diverse audiences. Demographic changes in the US over the past couple decades or more have been significant and marketers need to understand them, if they want to be successful. Editor’s Note: The full report is available to members only.

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Strategies for Scientific Claims in Cosmetics Ads

  • Jie G. Fowler (Valdosta State University), Les Carlson (University of Nebraska) and Himadri Roy Chaudhuri (Institute of Management Technology, Ghaziabad, India)

Advertisers of cosmeceuticals—cosmetics that have potential health benefits —have had little guidance as to the types and frequency of scientific claims they make in their advertisements. This study offers a typology of such claims as well as insight into how the targeted consumer perceives them when making a purchase decision.

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