
Navigating the Identity Resolution Landscape


Identity resolution providers use disparate datasets to link information about individuals and households. This is done to target, activate and measure the reach and effectiveness of advertising campaigns. Several different providers perform this function, currently. Yet, the details of it have received little attention. Now, the ARF’s Identity Resolution Working Group, within the Cross-Platform Measurement Council, has issued a report which includes interviews with executives from 20 identity resolution providers. The report sheds light on this crucial part of the advertising ecosystem.

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JAR: Modeling Cultural Mindsets with Endorser Origins to Predict Brand Attitudes

An endorser’s native origin can trigger brand reactions in consumers due to their cultural predispositions. New research in this area has revisited ethnocentrism and xenocentrism, not as diametrically opposed mindsets but as ones coexisting in dynamic configurations, with each mindset expressed or suppressed as a result of origin cues from brands and endorsers. The resulting models provide blueprints for predicting favorable attitudes, by aligning targeting and messaging strategies with appropriate mindsets and origin cues.  Read the article.

Modeling Cultural Mindsets with Endorser Origins to Predict Brand Attitudes


An endorser’s native origin can trigger brand reactions in consumers due to their cultural predispositions. New research in this area has revisited ethnocentrism and xenocentrism, not as diametrically opposed mindsets but as ones coexisting in dynamic configurations, with each mindset expressed or suppressed as a result of origin cues from brands and endorsers. The resulting models provide blueprints for predicting favorable attitudes, by aligning targeting and messaging strategies with appropriate mindsets and origin cues.

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Apple IDFA & Google FLoC: How Tracking Changes Will Impact You (Event Summary)


Earlier this year, Google announced they plan to stop individual ad tracking. Apple is also altering the landscape of the advertising ecosystem with its iOS 14 IDFA (Identifier for Advertisers) update. Ad targeting, personalization, measurement and fraud detection are predicted to be negatively impacted and the implications — and potential revenue loss — for brands, ad networks, publishers are huge. At this Insights Studio: Member Broadcast, OptiMine, Havas Media and CIMM discussed exactly how Google and Apple’s changes will impact you and why they matter, how brands should think about future-proofing their advertising measurement in an environment of increased data privacy and strategies for future success. Speakers: Matt Voda -- CEO, OptiMine Sargi Mann  -- EVP, Digital Strategy, Havas Media Moderator: Jane Clarke  -- CEO, Managing Director, CIMM

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How Context Influences Persuasion of e-Magazine Ads


Research has grappled with understanding how important context is in advertising effectiveness on digital platforms. But a new study connects the dots between viewers’ motives, how users process ads and the persuasiveness of those ads, given the context of surrounding media. The findings offer fresh insight into how to implement digital advertising, specifically on e-magazine platforms.

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