
The Measurement Dilemma — Navigating Privacy-Driven Disruption

  • Insights Studio

Changes in privacy legislation, the deprecation of the third-party cookie, and new rules on Google and Apple platforms have set the stage for the impending data disruption in the advertising industry, as outlined in IAB’s State of Data 2022 report and OptiMine’s overview on Google Topics. Both presentations and the subsequent panel discussion in this Insights Studio session emphasized the unavoidable impact the loss of individual tracking will have on measurement and attribution and urged marketers to act quickly to prepare for the effects on revenues.

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NYCU: The Future of Programmatic Advertising

Findings from a Google commissioned study of marketers and advertising professionals show how they think about programmatic advertising, in light of changes in access to third-party cookies and shifts in consumer privacy preferences.   Read more »

The ARF’s 4th Annual Privacy Study

One of the ARF’s most anticipated reports, the 2021 Privacy Study surveyed 1,280 American consumers from May 14 to the 26, 2021, via a Qualtrics online sample and platform. This report contains perennial questions regarding mobile and PC usage, willingness to share digital data, trust and how well privacy terms are understood. In the latest report, as in the 2020 version, we added questions about the acceptability of using personal data under various circumstances and for various purposes.  Read the article.

The ARF's 4th Annual Privacy Study


One of the ARF’s most anticipated reports, the 2021 Privacy Study surveyed 1,280 American consumers from May 14 to the 26, 2021, via a Qualtrics online sample and platform. This report contains perennial questions regarding mobile and PC usage, willingness to share digital data, trust and how well privacy terms are understood. In the latest report, as in the 2020 version, we added questions about the acceptability of using personal data under various circumstances and for various purposes.

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Are Non-Local Sports Fans Bigger Sponsor Patrons than Locals?


Fans who travel far to sporting events may be more valuable to sponsoring brands than previously thought. A research model tested against a cycling field study shows that “faraway” fans are more knowledgeable about the sport than locals, identify more strongly as a fan of the sport and have greater event attachment, potentially increasing their desire to support sponsoring brands.

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Aggregating Location Data for Privacy and Profit

  • MSI

Using mobile location data to improve targeting marketing is a good strategy, but the downside is that it can increase consumer concern over privacy. What’s a better way to do it? Instead of aggregating data by home location, doing so by the centroid of brand sites visited can result in good predictions, while still maintaining individual anonymity.

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