
Striking a Balance: Privacy, Personalization & Profit


Modern digital privacy laws, while well-intentioned, carry significant unintended consequences. On September 12, industry experts joined us for a virtual Town Hall and discussed the unintended consequences of privacy regulations on marketers, consumers, the industry and society—as well as shared actionable strategies that can be used to mitigate their impacts.

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While You Were Away…

The end of August and Labor Day weekend are vacation periods for many in our industries. Here are news items you may have missed while you were away. Read more »

The Other Thread: The Debate About Cross-Media Deduplication

On June 28, media research pioneer and journalist Bill Harvey sent excerpts of his latest Media Village article to several of the industry’s leading media researchers. That article was entitled: Cross-Media Duplication Must Be Rigorously and Empirically Determined. What followed was a robust intellectual debate that outlines where the lines are drawn in the industry as far as whether virtual IDs (VIDs) can overcome issues of privacy and still provide an accurate account of campaign cross-platform duplication. We now share this jaunty and insightful exchange with our members.

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Advertising Effectiveness: Performance Measurement in the New World of Privacy and Tools

  • Insights Studio

On July 26, measurement practitioners discussed how to adapt to this new era of privacy with tools for measuring ad performance effectiveness. Panelists explored new considerations for existing methods, such as marketing mix modeling (MMMs) and multi-touch attribution (MTAs), and discussed the pros and cons of various privacy enhancing technologies (PETs), including multi-party computation, clean rooms, and more.

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How to Use Virtual IDs

The ARF Analytics Council has explored the use of Virtual IDs (VIDs) for cross-media measurement and offered a non-technical approach during our virtual event, “A Layman’s Guide to Cross Media Reach & Frequency Measurement Using Virtual IDs.” Read more »

THE LAST WORD: Wednesday

There was a combination of both upbeat and downbeat takeaways from the anchor commentators on the last day of the conference.