
ARF Attention Measurement Validation Initiative: Phase 2 Report (2nd Edition)


Explore the latest findings from the ARF Attention Measurement Validation Initiative. The phase two report is a comprehensive examination of various attention measurement methods used in creative testing. It concludes with reflections on the challenges of attention measurement, as well as some suggestions for advertisers on how to choose and evaluate attention measurement providers.

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The ARF Member AI Workshop

The ARF Member AI workshop introduced members to the potentialities of various AI platforms and tools to boost their work productivity. The workshop covered how LLMs such as Copilot, ChatGPT, Gemini and Claude can be employed in three main areas: presentations and reports, advertising research and meetings. Issues such as privacy and security of using AI, as well as the current limitations and challenges of the technology were also discussed. The hands-on, interactive workshop was an opportunity for all those interested in best practices and guidelines for using AI to learn how to interweave such programs into their daily work processes.

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Predicting Attention to Advertising Through Machine Learning

Privacy regulations have served as the impetus for a renewed interest in contextual targeting. To be effective, an ad must be related to its context but different enough to stand out. This working paper from the Marketing Science Institute (MSI) at the ARF presents a comprehensive model leveraging eye-tracking data and XGBoost algorithms to forecast the effectiveness of ad placements in real time.

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Driving Greater Campaign Reach and Relevancy Across Formats

Sharmilan RayerGM, Amazon Publisher Cloud

Sharmilan Rayer of Amazon Publisher Cloud discussed an approach to empowering addressability as legacy identifiers (cookies and mobile IDs) fade. This approach, called durable addressability, includes the sharing of first-party signals across publishers, advertisers and third parties. Its three pillars are first-party signal investment, secure signal collaboration and machine learning (ML) powered modeling. The Amazon Marketing Cloud is their new advertiser clean room which takes this approach. It allows advertisers to combine their first-party signals with Amazon’s publisher ones and any third-party’s in a privacy compliant way. Key takeaways:
  • Durable addressability starts with each member investing in first-party data from a resource, funding and technology perspective.
  • Sixty percent of advertisers report planning to leverage first-party data for ad placements, and 47% of publishers say their first-party data is the answer to cookie deprecation.
  • The first-party data advertisers would bring to this strategy includes customer engagement, conversions and proprietary audiences.
  • Amazon has access to publisher first-party data across CTV, web, mobile and audio. Having access to this first-party data allows for determining which ad opportunities are best for a particular campaign.
  • As cookies deprecate, clean rooms will begin playing a more important role, according to Amazon.
  • Modeling by machine learning has increased reach 20-30% on unaddressable supply, Amazon claims.
  • A new product called Performance Plus combines Amazon Ads signals, advertiser conversion signals and machine learning to generate predictive segments. It has been observed boosting conversions 30-80%.

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AI Driven Video Formats Drive Results for Brands

Tori KangYouTube Specialist, Google

Danielle PerrellaHead of Measurement, Google

Tori Kang and Danielle Perrella from Google talked about AI from a media and video perspective with a summary of the overall landscape and an examination of how AI delivers on its promise in the ways it is working within Google’s YouTube. Tracing video’s effectiveness through the consumer funnel, Tori noted how the accelerating consumer complexity in viewing habits requires marketers to be more agile in navigating audience fragmentation, and AI’s capabilities are able to do the heavy lifting by saving time, optimizing efficiency and improving performance. Danielle illustrated how Google’s AI mechanism, Video Reach Campaigns, measured up against manually optimized campaigns and traditional YouTube formats in comparing ROAS and incremental sales. Key takeaways:
  • In improving reach and efficiency compared to manually optimized YouTube video campaigns, a Bubly case study showed using AI delivered 33% more reach at a 64% lower CPM.
  • Implementing AI earned an average ROAS 3.7x (+271%) higher than, and drove more than double the incremental sales (+111%) of, manually optimized YouTube video campaigns.
  • Identifying areas for optimization by finding inefficiencies, defining how AI can answer critical business questions and evaluating how AI can improve key metrics are the key questions for considering how AI should be integrated into a media plan.

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Insights on Advertising

The recent ARF OTT 2023 conference covered, among many other things, advertising opportunities in the new media environment. Here are two examples: first a summary of the variety of ad formats available now. Second, insights on the role of ad/product placements.

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2023 Attribution & Analytics Accelerator

The Attribution & Analytics Accelerator returned for its eighth year as the only event focused exclusively on attribution, marketing mix models, in-market testing and the science of marketing performance measurement. The boldest and brightest minds took the stage to share their latest innovations and case studies. Modelers, marketers, researchers and data scientists gathered in NYC to quicken the pace of innovation, fortify the science and galvanize the industry toward best practices and improved solutions. Content is available to event attendees and ARF members.

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Striking a Balance: Privacy, Personalization & Profit

Modern digital privacy laws, while well-intentioned, carry significant unintended consequences. On September 12, industry experts joined us for a virtual Town Hall and discussed the unintended consequences of privacy regulations on marketers, consumers, the industry and society—as well as shared actionable strategies that can be used to mitigate their impacts.