identity resolution

THE LAST WORD: Wednesday

There was a combination of both upbeat and downbeat takeaways from the anchor commentators on the last day of the conference.

Identity Resolution Solution – How Close Are We?

Few would argue that a solution for identity resolution is needed to effect cross-platform video measurement. However, connecting different digital devices to unique users and households is fraught with legal, technical, and organizational barriers. How likely are we to see some kind of interoperable ID system that all industry participants can and will adopt?

IAB State of Data Initiative 2020

The IAB Programmatic & Data Center examined the impact of the loss of third-party cookies and identifiers on the digital advertising ecosystem, particularly on brands and publishers. This report measures the industry’s sense of preparedness, expectations for revenue and data-driven tasks, and progress into leveraging first-party data. Two studies were executed, conducted by Ipsos and McKinsey, surveying and interviewing key data leaders across categories.


In this moderated discussion for the track, Cross-Platform: Measurement & Identity, the speakers answered questions from the attendees about their respective presentations and discussed cross-platform challenges.

The Digital Divide: Inclusion of a Mobile Population (To Have & Have not: Part 2)

David Kingsbury reviewed data from his 2019 ARF AUDIENCExSCIENCE presentation, and IRI’s subsequent advances to improve accessibility, targeting, and measurement of the digital invisible. This research has helped uncover a sliver of those invisible, i.e., households that move and are lost (either temporarily or permanently).

Research during the summer of 2021 revealed that the demographics of the digital invisible remained the same. Digital invisible consumers are more likely to skew low income, no kids, and under 34 years of age. They are part of the 13% of the population who move annually. Additionally, some consumers don’t want to be tracked. This population is not receiving targeted advertising and their purchases are not being measured.

How Truthscores Can Significantly Improve the Accuracy of Addressable Marketing

Truthset was founded 18 months ago to address the concern that attributes in Big Datasets used to define target audiences were not always accurate. Aaron reported that a female audience segment from a data provider that Truthset had examined turned out to be only 58% female. Truthset receives data on 2.6 billion IDs from 19 data providers each quarter and provides them with “truth scores” for the demographic attributes of each ID. The truth scores, which range from 0 to 1, represent Truthset’s estimate of the probability that an assigned attribute is correct.

Perspectives on the Most Important Consumer and Video Marketplace Changes

The major challenge to measurement is the vast amount of content to measure and the ability to deduplicate across the many screens. Inclusiveness is the second major challenge – showing the face of America. But this is an opportunity also. The third is chasing identity and privacy at the same time.

Leading the Next Frontier of Media Disruption

Scott introduced Marc Pritchard to the ARF stage with a discussion about the most important marketing and advertising measurement challenges in the industry and Procter & Gamble’s priorities in approaching solutions. While the perpetual fragmentation of the media ecosystem is complicating accurate measurement across platforms, advertisers still have the same simple questions, according to Marc. The consumer is the center of it all – how many people are advertisers reaching, how often are they reaching them, and how effective and efficient is the advertising itself?

Cross Channel Measurement in a Time of Data Collection Challenges

The average home has over 300,000 items, and consumers may be exposed to 6-10,000 ads daily. We need to overcome measurement silos to truly understand what triggers the different paths to purchase for the same products. Third party data sources need to be vetted on their sources and collection techniques, their validation methods and how they help us understand traditional metrics such as recency, frequency and consistency. Loyalty card data can help CPG companies track the 90% of purchases that still occur offline. IRI’s retailer and other partnerships offer a more holistic view of purchase behavior. In a masked case study, COVID reduced linear and cable but increased connected TV viewing, putting a premium on “equity spots” for in-home occasions such as food preparation/consumption. Multi-touchpoint fractional attribution (MTA) can distinguish the impact of creative from other aspects of digital ads.

What’s Next: The State of Ad Measurement Identifiers

Kevin Whitcher (DISQO) provided an overview of current identifier availability and their use in measuring ad outcomes.

The industry has witnessed the ongoing extinction of 3P identifiers since 2016 with the passage of GDPR. While the means to measure digital ad exposure are disappearing, the need is not. Eighty-five percent of buyers and sellers are concerned about the effect of privacy changes on their ad buys and overall business, according to DISQO research. Publishers have data to measure digital ad exposure, but only in their own siloed platforms. However, measuring ad effectiveness on one platform is not an effective solution since neither people nor media plans are media-monogamous. Additionally, IP addresses are not a viable alternative to identity lifelines.