household products

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How to Balance Consumer Response to “Skimpflation”

Rising costs are an important issue for businesses. Many wonder how they should respond and how customers will react if they say, reduce product quality. Such “skimpflation” can be harder for consumers to detect. However, this Marketing Science Institute (MSI) working paper finds that those who do realize it consider the practice deceptive and unfair. Consumers, it seems, prefer reduced product size (shrinkflation) or increased prices to skimpflation, with price increases the most popular/least unpopular of these options.

A Holistic Measurement Journey

Change has been the only constant of the past 18 months, but for brands that know how to adapt, this change represents opportunity. Holistic measurement – from understanding incremental impact across channels to building in considerations for macro factors like consumer behavior shifts and the pandemic – is key to sustained growth.

Leveraging Purchase Signals to Drive Growth

Sharing their cross-channel campaign evaluation using IRI’s household lift studies, Lisa Mulyk and Liz Ryan from IRI illustrated the strengths of purchased-based data and targeting across brand portfolios. Creative messaging and sales for “must have” and “nice to have” products were examined, comparing the broader affinity, lifestyle and demo audience against the more specific purchase-based audience.

The Modern Grocery Run

Julianne Hudson of VMYL&R uncovered the results of two rounds of interviews examining the rocket ship of growth that took place in online grocery shopping beginning at the advent of COVID-19. The trend continues presently. The interviews took place eleven months apart, one in 2022 with around 2,000 respondents with a follow-up in January this year with approximately the same number, a sample totaling 4,200. Each respondent had shopped for groceries online in at least some capacity. The study helped show what online grocery shopping expectations are and what does and does not translate from the in-store to the online shopping experience.

Today’s Shopping Landscape: Strategies for the Changing Consumer Journey

  • SHOPPER 2023

At ARF SHOPPER 2023, which took place in Chicago and virtually on March 9, the industry’s leading marketers and retailers came together to explore the latest research-based consumer insights, and how they are using this data to understand today’s shoppers, build innovative experiences and brand loyalty. Attendees learned about consumer behavioral shifts, how retail media networks are gaining traction in digital marketing strategies, and the latest shopping trends.

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Key Elements of Long-Term Market Leadership

While market share leadership is a strategic imperative for many leading companies, surprisingly little is known about market leaders. To rectify this, researchers in this MSI working paper looked into four key issues: (1) the frequency of market leaders maintaining their leadership over periods ranging from 5 to 89 years; (2) whether leading brands that lose their leadership are able to regain it or if loss of leadership tends to be permanent; (3) whether market leadership persistence varies as a function of economic conditions (i.e., GDP growth rate, inflation, unemployment); and (4) whether market leadership persistence varies by category type.

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Leveraging Purchase Signals to Drive Growth

Sharing their cross-channel campaign evaluation using IRI’s household lift studies, Lisa Mulyk and Liz Ryan from IRI illustrated the strengths of purchased-based data and targeting across brand portfolios. Creative messaging and sales for “must have” and “nice to have” products were examined, comparing the broader affinity, lifestyle and demo audience against the more specific purchase-based audience. Determining that not all audiences worked for the campaign strategy, they found that, although a portfolio strategy worked best to drive household penetration and engage the full gamut of potential buyers, the campaign would have been more successful in targeting purchase-based consumers.

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