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Death Stars in the Media Universe

Evan Shapiro, CEO-Producer-Pundit-Strategist, ESHAP; Adjunct Professor, Fordham and NYU, shared his latest “Media Universe Map”, discussed the rapidly changing media landscape and predicted more corporate consolidation.

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A Fresh Look at Generations

Two presentations discussed generational differences and change. We have previously reported on one of them, Bobby Duffy, Professor of Public Policy and Director of the Policy Institute at King’s College London, who questions widely held assumptions of generational differences. The other was from J. Walker Smith, Knowledge Lead, Consulting Division, Kantar, who focused on generational change.

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Interpreting Survey Responses

Data from a recent Gallup survey remind us that responses from survey participants need to be interpreted carefully, as they are impacted by culture and respondents’ willingness to talk about certain topics. Case in point: Reported identification as LGBT appears less related to actual sexual orientation than to age.

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Media 101 — A Guide to Buying and Selling (Event Summary)

  • Bruna Isensee, Univision

At our February Young Pros event, Meghan McGuirk, VP Group Director, Investments at Havas Media, Cristina Schlobohm, Director of Communications Strategy at Havas Media, and Kara Donahue, Account Executive at Roku, walked attendees through the media buying and selling process. They explained the five main media planning milestones: briefing, defining a strategy, tactical work, activating a campaign and reporting after it’s complete. Each speaker elaborated by using real life examples and showed the perspective and impact that all teams involved in the process have—both on the client or vendor side.

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Risk Resonates with Youths in Marijuana Counter-Marketing Campaign


After becoming the first state in the U.S. to legalize marijuana, Colorado launched a counter-marketing campaign aimed at discouraging those under age 21 from using the drug. Preliminary results from a study of the campaign show how it reshaped Colorado youngsters’ perceptions of pot use by focusing on fact-based risk messaging, revealing insights into the attitudes and behaviors of this demographic.

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