
Brand Advertising in the Time of Coronavirus (Event Summary)


The coronavirus is an inflection point in world history that all of us will remember for the rest of our lives. To understand the influence of advertising in this troubled time, four ARF member companies — Ameritest, Dynata, iSpotTV, and Research Measurement Technologies (RMT) — came together to measure the collective impact of some morale-building brand advertising. They measured the in-market impact of 10 ads from Budweiser to Facebook to Walmart to understand advertising’s impact on the American people’s shared memories of this cultural moment. Presented by Chuck Young – Founder & CEO, Ameritest Discussant Scott McDonald, PhD – President & CEO, ARF Editor’s Note: The full summary is available to members only.

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What Short Commercials Can and Can’t Deliver

  • Duane Varan (MediaScience) and Magda Nenycz-Thiel, Rachel Kennedy, and Steven Bellman (all at Ehrenberg-Bass Institute)

Short ads of six to seven seconds or less on television can provide an efficient option compared with longer, more expensive commercials. But there are limits to what they can deliver, particularly in a cluttered environment. This study offers guidance on how, when and where to use short ads.

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Measuring Cross-Media Use and Recall

  • Andrea Ciceri, Giulia Songa, Vincenzo Russo, Giorgio Gabrielli, Jesper Clement

Many studies have compared advertising effectiveness online and in print. Where that research has fallen short is in comparing the ways people divide their visual attention, specifically when using different devices and media. Here’s how a team of academics and practitioners took a neuroscientific approach to measured that response using biometrics.

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The State of Insights and Data Analytics Disciplines Today (Event Summary)


In 2019, the ARF Analytics Council undertook its first benchmark survey on the operations of research and analytics departments to develop a baseline understanding of the state of the insights and data analytics discipline within the industry today. The survey explored the way in which technology and the advent of new sources of data have transformed the way we work. This Insights Studio presented survey findings and shed light on where the field stands. Editor’s Note: The full summary is available to members only.

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The 1st Annual Organizational Benchmark Survey—Research Company Report (Summary)


The Organizational Benchmark Survey investigates the changes in advertising and marketing research over the past year. This is the first of an annual series. The research company report covers a variety of subjects, including the names of their research departments and their structures, whether they are centralized or decentralized, their spending and KPIs, what skills researchers need and what tools they employ, and also how satisfied they are with their department. Editor's Note: The full report is available to members only.

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Why Do Great Creative Ideas Get Killed? (Summary)

  • Mark Kilgour (University of Waikato), Scott Koslow (Macquarie University), Huw O'Connor (University of Waikato)

Ask any ad-agency creative professional whether their best ideas ever see the light of day, and the answer likely will be “no”. That outcome is a function of a highly contentious, early-stage evaluation and selection process. Researchers in Australia and New Zealand reexamined the process and offered takeaways for moving great ideas forward.

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The 1st Annual Organizational Benchmark Survey—Agency Report

The Organizational Benchmark Survey investigates the changes in advertising and marketing research over the past two years. This is the first of an annual series. The advertiser report covers a variety of subjects, including the name of agencies’ research departments and their structures, spending and KPIs, what skills researchers need and what tools they employ, and even how satisfied they are with their department.

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