
Emmy Nominations for Commercials

A pair of comedic Apple ads and two anti-gun violence messages earned four of the six Outstanding Commercial Emmy nominations from the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. The winner be announced during the awards ceremony on September 12th.

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Brands Improve Ad Experiences

Today’s consumers have practically unlimited choices when it comes to the content they watch and the brands they choose. Therefore, brands are continuously grappling with the best ways to provide audiences with favorable and effective ad experiences. This is also important because viewers now have higher expectations for relevant and enjoyable ad experiences.

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What Drives Customer Online Engagement

  • MSI

We have seen a significant increase in consumer participation in social media over the last decade. This can have a substantial benefit to firms. The problem is, while many consumers join platforms, they tend to spend less time on them over time. To have a sustainable social media marketing program, customer engagement must be maintained over the duration.

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The Value of True Candor

The hardest thing for most aspiring leaders and managers to master is giving clear, direct and sometimes very hard feedback to others, Jim VandeHei, CEO of Axios, writes.

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“The Language of Effectiveness”

This project, the same as this entry’s title, is sponsored by Nielsen and will explore the definition of effectiveness and the expectations senior stakeholders have of marketing effectiveness metrics.

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Spillover Benefits of Online Ads

  • MSI

Email advertising can increase spending in actual, physical retail stores, new statistical tools show. If this is not uplifting enough for those who deal with such advertising, analysis published in an MSI working paper found something else surprising. The effects are highest among consumers with fewer recent interactions with that particular retailer.

The “Shapes of Attention”

While a recent ARF survey documents the rising interest in attention metrics among marketers, a new report reminds us that “attention” comes in different shapes – which have different outcome implications.

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The Only Number that Matters to CEOs

Proving the value of marketing means showing that the investment is paying off in faster business growth. The only number a CEO cares to hear is the incremental growth rate attributable to marketing. The rest is mumbo jumbo.

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