
Ad Revenue Trend

This chart from Visual Capitalist shows how just three companies now make up 50% of U.S. ad revenues. 

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Performance Pressures?

A survey among marketers conducted for the WARC Marketer’s Toolkit 2023, shows that almost half plan to increase their investment in performance, while less than a third plan increased branding spend. However, that is only part of the story. Read more »

Evidence-Based Research for Effective Marketing

On November 9, 2022, industry leaders joined us to share highlights from EffWorks Global 2022 — a week-long celebration of the best new thinking and evidence-based decision-making research for marketing effectiveness. Topics of discussion included: marketing in the post-Covid economy, effective advertising in unprecedented times, the value of Share of Voice/Share of Attention/Share of Search in terms of effectiveness and commercial decision making, and more.

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How to Flag Fake Reviews without Targeting Legitimate Ones

  • MSI

Online reviews can have a substantial impact on the consumer decision-making process. That makes them crucial to firms and online marketplaces. Some sellers are sometimes tempted to manipulate ratings to give their products fake, positive reviews. As a result, it’s important for such marketplaces, like Amazon, to eliminate fake reviews. Some methods use metadata, review characteristics, text or images to remove such reviews. This may also flag legitimate ones, however. Researchers in this study found a method using the network structure of reviews to reveal fakes without wrongly targeting authentic ones.

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How Framing Purchase Interactions Affects Outcomes

  • MSI

What kind of interface does your ecommerce website or app use? How does that affect the customer experience? These are important questions because how your purchase interface is framed affects the customer experience along the entire decision journey, according to this MSI working paper. “Quantity-integrated” formats, where the customer indicates simultaneously whether and how much to buy of something, are more profitable than sequential formats, where the customer is first asked for their purchase decision, followed by a specific quantity.

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Explaining Algorithmic Decisions to Ensure Perceived Fairness

  • MSI

What kind of interface does your ecommerce website or app use? How does that affect the customer experience? These are important questions because how your purchase interface is framed affects the customer experience along the entire decision journey, according to this MSI working paper. “Quantity-integrated” formats, where the customer indicates simultaneously whether and how much to buy of something, are more profitable than sequential formats, where the customer is first asked for their purchase decision, followed by a specific quantity.

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How Review Platforms Can Become Consumers’ “Trust Guardians”

  • MSI

Many ecommerce shoppers rely on reviews to help make their purchase decisions. But lately, the authenticity of these review platforms have come into question. Retailers have been looking for ways to increase trust in reviewers. One stumbling point, asking reviewers to disclose their identity can raise privacy issues. It also creates a positivity bias. Fortunately, there are actions review platforms can take to enhance customer trust while reducing the need for individual reviewer disclosure.

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