data quality

Getting Better Creative from Data and Insights


We have access to more data and research than ever before. But how well are they being used? It’s apparent to many in the advertising industry that there’s a gap between the research/data and creative/strategy communities, in terms of using data and insights effectively. To investigate this divide, the ARF Creative Council conducted a quantitative and qualitative research project, which has led to the publication of a new white paper titled: How to Get Better Creative from Better Insights.

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Evaluating Digital Audience Quality

In 2018, $57 billion was spent on digital display advertising. That doesn’t mean those resources were used wisely. One crucial issue is the need to focus on audience quality. Failure to do so can lead to consumers being buffeted with messages or confronted with irrelevant ones. As a result, they become frustrated and turned off. This equates to missed opportunities and wasted resources.

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Oracle Data Cloud Tackles Audience Quality


$48 billion was spent on digital display advertising in the US in 2018. That’s up 5 percent from just a few years ago. Unfortunately, most advertisers are unaware of the need to focus on audience quality. Without doing so, consumers can be overwhelmed with messages or encounter irrelevant ones. They become annoyed or frustrated, resulting in missed opportunities and wasted resources.

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Reciprocate on Shared Data, or Lose Customers

  • Natasha Hritzuk

Customer concern about the lack of control over the ownership of their data has generated new challenges for companies to create meaningful and easily understood data policies. A WarnerMedia (formerly Turner) study revealed what customers are willing to share—and why companies that reciprocate by explaining the benefits of sharing can minimize the risk of losing customers.

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Warning: Flawed Data May Be Sabotaging Your Targeting Efforts

  • Alice K. Sylvester and Jim Spaeth

Flaws in data sampling accuracy and coverage can foil brands’ targeting efforts and ultimately their ROI, which bodes badly for advanced TV advertising. The culprits: crippling media fragmentation, and a dearth of research on missing and misidentifying consumers when using commercially available target segments for digital campaigns.

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How Marketers Use AI to Navigate the Consumer Journey

  • Jan Kietzmann, Jeannette Paschen, and Emily Treen

As the consumer journey becomes increasingly complex, many marketers are turning to artificial intelligence to decipher it. But how does it actually help them be more effective at understanding and reaching consumers at different stages? A trio of academics explained how AI is transforming advertising.  

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