• Article

Growing ROI with YouTube ABCDs Creative Effectiveness Guidelines

Creative is the dominant ROI driver across all media platforms according to Nielsen Catalina Solutions: creative 49%, media 36%, and brand 15%. However, creative is challenging to measure. The speakers provided an ABCD insights framework for building effective ads on YouTube based on the key creative elements that drive sales as proven by Google’s partner, Nielsen.

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Improving Product Sales Predictions Is Brain Science

  • MSI

It’s no surprise that new product launches often fail to meet their targets. The trick for managers is to improve their predictions for such products. They must balance the costs and benefits of many different data sources and analytic techniques in order to improve forecasting. To enhance the accuracy of predicting the market-level sales of new products, researchers Marton Varga, Anita Tusche, Paulo Albuquerque, Nadine Gier, Bernd Weber, and Hilke Plassmann, analyzed the added value of different data types. Their conclusions are illuminating.

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What a Product’s Weight Conveys to Consumers

  • Marketing Science Institute

A product’s shape, packaging or logo contributes to consumer understanding and reactions to that product, previous research has found. But what impression does the perceived weight of a product convey and how can this be used for advertising and marketing purposes? Researchers Priya Raghubir, Lu Yang and Dengfeng Yan looked into this and discovered that consumers use a stability heuristic for weight judgements. Shorter, broader objects are judged to be heavier and thus are considered more stable. And when it comes to food items, weight also plays on such things as calorie assessment.

Shopping and Mobility Trends

Change in page views by content category for select online publishers.

 Tracked by the Parse.ly network, comparing Feb. 23–March 7, 2020, to March 8–21, 2020.

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What Makes Cross-Media Advertising Effective in China?

  • June So Lee and Demetrios Vakratsas (McGill University)

Synergy benefits in cross-media advertising are well-known. Much less is understood about the combined effects of television and online media on individual-level buying behaviors. A study involving the purchase cycle in China found that TV ads were more effective after prior online exposure in driving purchases, but not vice-versa.

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CPG’s Moving to Leverage Advanced Data, While Waiting for Scale

According to this Media Post article by Karlene Lukovitz, consumer packaged goods brands continue to focus their marketing budgets on television.  The challenge is to harness TV’s reach more efficiently and the goal is to integrate that reach into a cross-platform audience model based on buying audiences, regardless of screen.

This article presents some of the highlights of interviews with Srishti Gupta, President of the IRI Media Center of Excellence.  She discussed the progress and remaining challenges of harnessing consumer purchasing and other data beyond demographics in television, especially in a programmatic environment.

Advertisers began to experiment with TV planning based on consumer purchasing data in 2015, “and that is going to impact buying and negotiations in 2016,” according to Gupta.

Gupta stated, “We’re seeing increasing desire to move away from demo- and age-based targeting. As digital media have led the way for custom audience targeting and [fast] attribution-based measurement, advertisers are looking for similar solutions and accountability for TV.”

“With digital spend rapidly growing and projected to beat TV in the near future, and experimentation with addressable TV and OTT,” she added, “there’s an increasing demand both for cross-platform, as well as TV, measurement.”