consumer experience/CX

NYCU: Is It Safe Outside?

For US adults, a recent poll finds that “feeling safe” is improving among nine pastimes, but not one has even reached a 40% comfort level (“Going out to eat” is tops). “Traveling abroad” and “Going to a concert” ranked lowest.

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Shifting the Perception of Aging Today (Event Summary)


At this virtual Salon, Barbara Shipley from AARP and Andrew Delaney from Getty Images discussed their initiative to encourage advertisers to avoid stereotypes in the portrayal of the 50+ population in ads. Tiffanie Papp from P&G/SeeMe Beauty shared why it is important for SeeMe Beauty to create ads that resonate with 50+ consumers. Editor’s Note: The full summary is available to members only.

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Building a Customer Experience (CX) Roadmap (Event Summary)


This MESH Experience webcast focused on how marketers can grow their business and succeed in the new age of customer experience (CX). Experts at Axa Investment Managers and Cox Communications discussed how to build a CX roadmap in the current consumer climate. Attendees were given a toolkit to grow their brand and gained an understanding of how to meet and exceed the demands of their current and prospective customers. Editor’s Note: The full content is available to members only.

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Luminaries Discuss Optimizing the Customer Experience


The Advertising Research Foundation (ARF) held a critical, one-day event in New York City during Ad Week, to investigate one of the most crucial factors in business today—optimizing the customer experience. It is critical for brand success. There were thought-provoking presentations by luminaries in the field. Speakers from Ben & Jerry’s, Levi’s, Salesforce, Kantar, CBS and more, shared their insights. Here are just a couple of the topics covered. Here are just a couple of the topics covered.

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Where do Supermarket Endcaps have the Most Traction?

  • William Caruso, Armando Maria Corsi, Svetlana Bogomolova, Justin Cohen, Anne Sharp, and Pei Jie Tan (Ehrenberg-Bass Institute, Univ. of S. Australia) Larry Lockshin (Univ. of S. Australia School of Marketing)

Marketers and store managers invest significantly in endcaps— end-of-aisle displays intended to reach as many shoppers as possible. A seven-year Australian cross-country study analyzed where shoppers spend the most time in a store and which endcap space has the greatest potential reach. What do you think they found more valuable: front or back of the store?

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A third point of view: Fix the User Experience First (source: Digiday speaking with Chairman of GroupM Connect)

Publishers are losing out on ad revenue due to the rise in ad blocking. According to comScore, 16.5 percent of users aged 18 to 24 are employing an ad blocker. Other studies found that 26 percent of time spent watching video on desktops in the U.S. was not monetized due to ad blockers.

GroupM, the media-buying giant, is closing off a growing alternative for publishers beset by ad blocking, called “ad reinsertion.” That method enables publishers to deliver ads to users who have ad blockers installed.

But GroupM isn’t buying it. “It’s addressing the symptom, not the cause,” said Chairman Montgomery. “Let’s fix the user experience first and then we can engage with consumers and tell them that … we made the experience as light as possible…”