consumer attitudes

The Benefits of Understanding Consumers’ Values

Research has demonstrated that developing messages, creative and targeting based only on demographic characteristics is not optimal. Investing in research on consumers’ values and emotions is likely to increase marketing effectiveness.     Read more »

Augmented Reality – Unlock New Technology to Drive Brand Growth

Aarti BhaskaranGlobal Head of Research & Insights, Snap

Kara LouisGroup Research Manager, Snap

Aarti Bhaskaran and Kara Louis of Snap presented their amalgamation of work on augmented reality (AR) with key data and client case studies from the last two years. Showcasing the growth of the AR landscape, Aarti and Kara featured how consumers are gravitating towards AR and the expanding number of opportunities available for advertisers in reaching new audiences and utilizing within the media mix. Case studies include brands using AR try-on technology from Champs Sports and Clearly eyeglasses. Key takeaways:
  • AR usage is widespread and growing, from Boomers to GenZ. By the year 2025 there will be approximately 4.3 billion AR users across all generations.
  • Almost all marketers (91%) think consumers use AR for fun, but 67% of consumers prefer using AR for shopping over fun (53%).
  • Interacting with products that have AR experiences leads to a 94% higher purchase conversion rate, as individuals can better assess them and feel connected with brands. Certain AR applications can substitute physical shopping with different features varying across the customer journey.
  • Interactive and personalized shopping experiences reach Gen Z—92% are interested in using AR for shopping, with over half of Gen Z saying they’d be more likely to pay attention to ads using AR. Gen Zs are also twice as likely to buy items that they have experienced first using AR than those who don’t.
  • AR lenses on Snapchat outperformed all other media formats. Other platforms would need 14-20 ads to generate the same level of attention as Snapchat lenses.
  • AR not only drives short-term impact with higher purchase intent and brand preference, but it also improves brand opinion, influences implicit associations and increases likelihood to purchase and recommend.
  • The creative attributes that include logo and product branding, complexity, messaging and user experience show a significant relationship with AR performance in brand lift.

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SeeHer and Horowitz Research’s Gen Z Vibe Check

Tarya WeedonCultural Insights Strategist, Horowitz Research

Yatisha FordeSenior Director, Insights & Thought Leadership, ANA

Tarya Weedon of Horowitz Research and Yatisha Forde of the ANA discussed how to connect and create trust with Gen Z through accurate representation, authentic allyship and honest dialogue. This generation is redefining American culture with their views on gender, sexuality and fluidity. Champions of gender equality, they are a vocal cohort at the forefront of reversing the negative effects of traditional gender rules and stereotypes. Gen Z are hyperaware of when a campaign’s message is inauthentic or a brand does not “walk the walk.” Fewer Gen Z than other generations think advertising accurately reflects them. Tarya and Yatisha offered advice on how to pass the “vibe check” with this generation. Their study had two legs, a qualitative phase which was interacting over a two-week period with an online community with 70 Gen Zers in the U.S. The quantitative phase was an online survey among 800 U.S. respondents ages 14-to-24. Key takeaways:
  • Forty percent of Gen Zers said labels should be chosen by the individual, not society.
  • Over 50% said both male and female identifying people can do anything from using makeup to doing manual physical labor, and from being emotional to being in STEM.
  • Eighty-eight percent disagree that increased acceptance of non-traditional ways about gender and sexuality is bad for society.
  • Half of Gen Z self-identify as gender non-binary, and 64% identify as sexually fluid.
  • Forty-six percent said claiming support wasn’t enough. To be seen as trustworthy, a brand needs to show its support in action.
  • Forty-seven percent said it felt like pandering when an ad highlighted a cause that they’re not involved in.
  • Although respondents thought that all brands have a responsibility to influence perceptions about gender and sexuality, they felt some types of brands have a bigger responsibility than others. The biggest responsibility came to beauty/self-care brands (50%), clothing (49%), pharma/health (20%) and food/beverage brands (18%).
  • Just 47% of respondents felt like advertising accurately reflected their generation.
  • Recommendations included making diversity part of the brand ethos, reimagining gender and sexuality in advertising content, leveraging SheHer guides and GEM best practices, including more diversity and aspects of intersectionality in advertising and finding ways to open dialogue that is inclusive and without judgment.

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Tune-In to Discover What is Making Audiences Tune-Out

Travis FloodExecutive Director of Insights, Comcast Advertising

Duane Varan, Ph.D.CEO, MediaScience

Travis Flood (Comcast Advertising) and Duane Varan (MediaScience) presented research, which explored improving ad pod architecture, aimed at better engaging audiences by understanding what makes them tune-out. To provide framework to their research process, Travis indicated they started with a literature review, to understand the existing viewer experience. Focus was placed on the quantity, quality and relevance of the ads, in addition to media effectiveness studies (e.g., pod architecture, ad creative, getting the right viewers, etc.). Duane indicated that the literature review unveiled gaps, particularly in the examination of the content within the middle section of an ad pod. Based on this, the goal of the subsequent research was to understand the optimal duration of ad pods to optimize both the viewer experience and brand impact, difference in impact (e.g., more ads vs. fewer ads in the same break duration) and the impact of frequency on viewers and brands. The research included 840 participants who watched a 30-minute program with structured ad breaks. Feedback was measured using a post-exposure survey, neurometrics and facial coding. Results revealed that shorter pod length, grouping consistency in ad length and capping frequency at two to three ads per program as most effective. Key takeaways:
  • Optimal pod length: Two minutes or less leads to better results. After viewing 2 minutes of ads, recall begins to decrease. Recall is 2x higher at 2 minutes vs. 3 minutes, and after 3 minutes, recall is at its lowest point.
  • Viewers are more engaged as ads begin. Using facial coding data showed that for a heavy clutter cell, there was marginally less joy in the first 5 seconds of the ad, indicating that ad load impacts how viewers experience ads.
  • Facial coding data revealed that ad clutter can diminish how funny scenes are for viewers.
  • Consistency is key in ad lengths within a pod. Viewer testing showed that when ads had different lengths in a pod, it made the ad break feel longer compared to pods with ads of the same length.
  • Ad frequency was optimized at two per program. There was significant boost in ad recognition and purchase intent going from 1 to 2 exposures in a program. Capping frequency at 2-3 per program can positively impact recognition and purchase intent.

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Intent and Impact: A New Measurement for DEI

James Ambalathukal Director, Strategy & Insights, Magid

Mike Bloxham EVP, Global Media & Entertainment, Magid

Mike Bloxham and James Ambalathukal of Magid partnered with twelve networks and streaming services in a study to identify factors of cultural authenticity in drama, comedy and unscripted programs. With research into the creative elements that resonate with diverse populations from qualitative studies and online surveys, Mike and James described the importance of authenticity in how audiences relate to emotional content, how they see themselves in the content and ultimately, how they perceive the content itself. The various levels of signals that diverse audiences assess as good or bad representation include storytelling components and physical production elements, which help separate out what drives positive and negative perceptions of these shows for actionable results. Key takeaways:
  • There are different levels of expectations with different genres. Sitcoms and reality content without representation can connect to audiences if relatable character journeys and storylines are present. Projecting family and community values goes far. In dramas, applying specificity and non-verbal cultural details on the set or in a character, like authentic hair and wardrobe, even if not part of the narrative, is a driver of authentic representation. Other kinds of content like adult animated shows, news programming and sports are not viewed through a DEI lens.
  • Marginalized communities value representation but don’t want to be reduced to just the racial and ethnic parts of their identity.
  • Effective representation is strongly connected to perceptions of authenticity.
  • Authenticity isn’t just a preference; it has real impact on content engagement.
  • Story elements influencing perceptions of authenticity share similarities and differences across various cohorts.

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Having In-Depth Research on Consumers’ Values Yields Tremendous Benefits

  • ARF Knowledge at Hand, CMO Brief

In decades past, demographic characteristics were considered the strongest predictors of consumers’ values, attitudes and purchasing behavior. Over time, however, they have grown to become weak predictors and correlates. In this Knowledge at Hand report, Dr. Horst Stipp, EVP at the ARF, summarizes the latest and most impactful research to date on consumer values and how researching them carefully can help shape effective business strategies and impactful ad messages.

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How Patients React to AI-Assisted Communications

  • MSI

Generative AI is all the rage, and consumers are interested in interacting with such programs to receive personalized services and products. What is their outlook when it comes to doing so in the healthcare field? Here, the view is not as sunny. In fact, a new working paper put out by the Marketing Science Institute (MSI), at the ARF, found that physicians who use AI to communicate with patients were perceived as less warm and even less competent.

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How to Use Machine Learning to Speed Up the Product Design Process

  • MSI

Aesthetic design significantly affects consumer evaluation of products. Nowhere perhaps is this truer than for the automotive category. However, in this industry, development cycles can be lengthy. As a result, mid-generation “facelifts” periodically occur to maintain appeal. However, this process can be expensive. Recent breakthroughs in machine learning may help speed up the process in an efficient and scalable manner. Not only is this option cost-effective, but it is customizable. For those who wish to infuse nature-inspired elements into an aesthetic design, deep machine learning offers many advantages.