big data

KaH: The 2019 Organizational Benchmark Survey, The Advertiser Report

Advertising and market research have seen tremendous changes in the last couple of years. As a result, ARF members have been inquiring about different aspects of these changes, from what to call their departments to what tools and techniques are considered best practices. For instance, should it be called a “research department,” “data science” or “customer experience” department? Is it better to have a centralized or decentralized structure? Do such departments provide positive ROI, according to stakeholders? And should they use R, Python, SPSS or SAS?  Read more.

The 1st Annual Organizational Benchmark Survey—Advertiser Report (Summary)

The Organizational Benchmark Survey investigates the changes in advertising and marketing research over the past two years. This is the first of an annual series. The advertiser report covers a variety of subjects, including the name of advertisers’ research departments and their structures, spending and KPIs, what skills researchers need and what tools they employ, and even how satisfied they are with their department. Editor’s Note: The full report is available to members only.

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Social-Media Marketing and More

  • JAR (59, 4) December 2019 Summary

In the December issue of the Journal of Advertising Research, a special section addresses critical issues in social-media marketing. Empirical findings make contributions to both research and practice, from Superbowl TV/online advertising strategies to conversation metrics. Among other articles, trust in digital marketing is top of mind, and in China, TV commercials benefit from prior online exposure, but not vice versa. How do U.S. consumers perceive scientific claims made in cosmetics ads? Read on!

Big Data Shows How Brands' Facebook Posts Generate eWOM

  • Taemin Kim (Incheon National University) Hyejin Kim (DePaul University), Yunhwan Kim (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)

Research analyzing how a brand’s Facebook posts can generate e-word of mouth (eWOM) has often relied on content analysis and users’ motivations. A new study offers a big-data approach for predicting the impact of a post’s unique features on eWOM activity, with some unexpected outcomes.

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Reciprocate on Shared Data, or Lose Customers

  • Natasha Hritzuk

Customer concern about the lack of control over the ownership of their data has generated new challenges for companies to create meaningful and easily understood data policies. A WarnerMedia (formerly Turner) study revealed what customers are willing to share—and why companies that reciprocate by explaining the benefits of sharing can minimize the risk of losing customers.

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How Marketers Use AI to Navigate the Consumer Journey

  • Jan Kietzmann, Jeannette Paschen, and Emily Treen

As the consumer journey becomes increasingly complex, many marketers are turning to artificial intelligence to decipher it. But how does it actually help them be more effective at understanding and reaching consumers at different stages? A trio of academics explained how AI is transforming advertising.  

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