
Do I Have Your Attention? Banner Blindness Tactics, Roadblock Ads and Influencer Cues

  • Inside the Journal of Advertising Research

At this Insights Studio, speakers on four different continents presented their work published in the JAR, with common themes of attention and frequency. Two presentations focused on banner blindness tactics: one compared the effectiveness of personalization and extreme creative strategies, while the other showed how unexpected ads like pop-ups and floaters drive attention and shape attitudes. A study on roadblock advertising tackled the question: Is this attention-getting tactic worth the substantial cost? And lastly: effects of influencer disclosures over time within a framework of consumer skepticism. A lively Q&A discussion explored the roles of attention and inattention in creative and media, contextual nuances, frequency effects of roadblock advertising and influencer disclosures, differences in attention factors across cultures, and the need for more research overall in the area of attention.

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The Importance of Audio

While most of marketers’ attention and research is focused on video, a new report emphasizes the importance of audio in light of the growing popularity of podcasts. In it, researchers explore the role of attention to audio.  

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The ARF Attention Measurement Validation Initiative: The How & Why

Today, there is much discussion and debate on the definition of attention, how to measure it properly and whether we should be measuring it at all, or if inattention instead should be what we assess. Plus, is the highest form of attention always desired, or do we want low levels of attention for certain kinds of ads, such as emotional ones for TV? As a result of all these questions, the ARF has announced the Attention Validation Project. Its goals are to help define attention, evaluate the methods available to us and what their rightful application is, whether it be analyzing advertising creative or the media environment.

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Is Roadblock Advertising Worth the Substantial Cost?


Roadblock advertising is an expensive, but often necessary tactic for maximizing attention in a fragmented media landscape. An advertiser limits or blocks access to competing ads for a period. Is it worth the high cost? A three-part study compares its effectiveness with typical cluttered advertising and addresses various effects using different formats and commercial break conditions.

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ATTENTION METRICS: Moving from Laboratory to Field Applications

On September 12, the ARF and Adelaide co-hosted an event to deepen understanding around how attention metrics work, how to utilize them and the nuances of their application to media and advertising quality measurement. Attention Economy experts from Adelaide, Anheuser-Busch InBev, the ARF, The Attention Council, Havas Media Group, OMD USA, Realeyes and TVision hosted shared presentations and held focused discussions on how attention metrics can optimize the match between media placement and consumer targets, improve creative testing and overall campaign outcomes, and more.

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Attention Events

Two events take place next week that are designed to help marketers create attention-grabbing and effective messages.

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