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All About Podcasts

Here are three perspectives: Ad spending numbers, reasons for ad spend increases and the long-term outlook for podcasts.   Read more »

Media 101 — A Guide to Buying and Selling (Event Summary)

  • Bruna Isensee, Univision

At our February Young Pros event, Meghan McGuirk, VP Group Director, Investments at Havas Media, Cristina Schlobohm, Director of Communications Strategy at Havas Media, and Kara Donahue, Account Executive at Roku, walked attendees through the media buying and selling process. They explained the five main media planning milestones: briefing, defining a strategy, tactical work, activating a campaign and reporting after it’s complete. Each speaker elaborated by using real life examples and showed the perspective and impact that all teams involved in the process have—both on the client or vendor side.

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Sports Sponsorship: Swing and a Miss or Home Run?

  • Lane Wakefield; Kirk Wakefield; Kevin Lane Keller; Anne Rivers

Adding to research that scrutinizes sponsorship spending, this study asked: Are sponsoring brands wasting money? The focus: Major League Baseball sponsorship and four dimensions of brand equity. Researchers used the expansive BrandAsset Valuator database to reach their conclusions. A major finding: Brand personality matters. Strong personalities tend to overspend, while ‘boring’ ones can hit the ball out of the park.

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What Drives Global Sponsorship Costs?

  • Jonathan A. Jensen and Benjamin Albano, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Joe B. Cobbs, Northern Kentucky University, and B. Tyler, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Until 2020, sponsorship expenditures by brand marketers were soaring, but COVID-19 changed the equation. Nevertheless, a new study conducted prior to the pandemic— analyzing multiple years of prices paid for sponsorships of Formula One racing teams—fills a gap in the body of research that otherwise focused on sponsorship returns but neglected the related investment.

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