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Building Brand Loyalty Through Language Techniques (Event Summary)


This is second installment of the ARF Cultural Effectiveness Council’s webcast series: Building Brand Loyalty with Today’s 21st Century Audience. This episode focused on language, specifically how marketers can use language to reach diverse audiences. Demographic changes in the US over the past couple decades or more have been significant and marketers need to understand them, if they want to be successful. Editor’s Note: The full report is available to members only.

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The ARF’s 2020 Research Agenda (Summary)


In order to offer members the insights they need to keep ahead of the curve, the ARF conducts original research that tackles the industry’s most pressing questions. Last year, the foundation changed its research project development process, creating a 401K approach in order to democratize it. Member organizations were able to vote with their dollars on what topic areas research funding should be allocated to.

KaH: The Data Gap: Getting Better Creative from Insights

Collaboration between creative/strategy and research/data communities is crucial in advertising. Yet, it is difficult to bridge the gap between these two very different groups. The ARF Creative Council recently conducted a quantitative and qualitative research project to learn more about the apparent divide. Specifically, they wanted to know how each group perceives research and data and their value in the creative process. The results?  Read more.

Getting Better Creative from Data and Insights


We have access to more data and research than ever before. But how well are they being used? It’s apparent to many in the advertising industry that there’s a gap between the research/data and creative/strategy communities, in terms of using data and insights effectively. To investigate this divide, the ARF Creative Council conducted a quantitative and qualitative research project, which has led to the publication of a new white paper titled: How to Get Better Creative from Better Insights.

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How Biometrics Can Capture Attention to TV Ads

  • Steven Bellman, Magda Nenycz-Thiel, Rachel Kennedy, and Nicole Hartnett—all at the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science, University of South Australia; Duane Varan, MediaScience

What’s the best way to measure attention to TV ads when specific creative devices, like animals and voiceover, are used? In this study, three key biometrics—eye movements, sweating, and heart rate—responded differently to attention-getting tactics and to levels of consumer attention, but heart rate uniquely helped identify ineffective ads. 

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Four Strategies for Creating Effective Soundless Video Ads

  • Colin Campbell, Erin Pearson

Most digital video ads are viewed soundlessly because either the user mutes them, or sound does not play automatically. As video advertising production accelerates, this study found that video ads created for “sound on” are less effective when viewed silently—and offers four strategies for creating successful digital video ads in soundless environments.

Marketing to Hispanics

Marketers have become increasingly aware of how important it is to understand the characteristics and dynamics of the Hispanic market - the fastest growing segment of the U.S. population. But what are the Hispanic segment's media behavior and ad receptivity?

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